Irishboxer4 gets something better.

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Jacob, Skylar, Ruby, and Christopher were out for their usual bouncy ride through the park when they spotted an unusual sight: an Irish man in a boxer dog furry costume, energetically bouncing on a hopper ball. The man's costume was a perfect replica of an Irish boxer dog, complete with floppy ears and a wagging tail.

"Look at that!" Jacob exclaimed, pointing towards the hopping figure. "That hopper ball is quite nice."

The Irish man bounced closer, his face beaming with enthusiasm. "Top o' the mornin' to ya! The name's Seamus, and there's nothin' I love more than a good bounce. Would ya like to give it a go?"

Jacob smiled. "Thanks, Seamus, but I have something even better in mind." He hopped off Ruby and extended a hand to Seamus. "Why don't you join us on Ruby here? I promise it'll be the best bounce of your life."

Seamus, eyes wide with excitement, stowed away his hopper ball and took Jacob's hand. With a bit of effort, he was hoisted up onto Ruby's saddle, squeezed in between Jacob and Skylar.

"Hold on tight, Seamus!" Skylar advised, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

With everyone secure, Ruby started to bounce gently at first, then higher and higher. The feeling of exhilaration grew with each bound, as they seemed to defy gravity. Christopher joined in, matching Ruby's rhythm, and soon, they were practically flying across the park.

Seamus let out a joyous laugh. "Ah, this is grand! I've never felt anythin' like it! I knew I loved bouncin', but this... this is somethin' else entirely!"

Ruby's powerful legs propelled them skyward, and they soared over the treetops, the city of Atlanta stretching out below them. Jacob, Skylar, Seamus, Ruby, and Christopher were a sight to behold—a whirlwind of energy and excitement, united by their love for bouncing.

As they finally began to descend, Ruby's bounces gradually slowed, allowing them to land gracefully back in the park. Seamus, his eyes shining, hopped off Ruby, his legs still tingling from the incredible experience.

"Thank ya kindly, Jacob and Skylar. That was the bounce of a lifetime! I'll be tellin' tales of this day to everyone back home in Ireland!"

Jacob grinned. "Anytime, Seamus. You're welcome to bounce with us whenever you like."

With a wave and a bounce in his step, Seamus bounded away, leaving Jacob, Skylar, Ruby, and Christopher to continue their adventure, each bounce bringing them closer to their next fantastical escapade.

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