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It was, I couldn't see. I couldn't feel my body. Where am I? Dead? No...maybe?

My mind drifted as I saw a picture of a lake which confused me greatly. "If I'm not in a hospital, then where am I?

Eventually, after a while of struggling for a while (it felt like months) I was finally able to open my eyes. They slowly yet surely adjusted to the light.

I found myself in a den located close to a river. There were multiple entrances/exits, both leading to land or the river. The den was lined with moss, leaves and other plants. It took me about a good ten minutes to realize that I was in a holt (a holt is the place where otters live, as in their own home).

"Huh?! A holt! Why am I in a holt! The main question is, how can I even fit into a holt?!" I looked puzzled before slowly crawling my way towards the nearby river, peering down to look at my reflection.

Soft fur, four paws, doll-like eyes, two small yet fluffy ears and a tail. It took me a few more seconds to realize what exactly I am...

"Eh?! I'm an otter?!" My mind spiraled till reality hit me. I got reincarnated...but as an otter?!

I continued to stare at my reflection, slowly accepting my fate. As I looked more, I realized I had blue markings on my fur.

"Huh? Strange...maybe it's berries? Nah, that doesn't matter anyways,"

I continued to look around the holt, searching for anything useful. "Gosh! Why am I so slow and weak?! This is abuse! Oh wait- I'm an otter pup, what else can I expect... I don't even know how old I am in this place! I might as well just find something to do in the meantime since I probably have to wait a bit till I can come up with something..."

~30 minutes later.~

"I'm bored!" I mumbled, finding nothing entertaining to do at all. "Wait...does otter me have otter parents and siblings? Oh no...I'm getting out of here! It won't be so bad but it'll weird me out! I mean, whatever! Imagining my mother as an otter is somehow disturbing! I'm mentally 16 so it'll be weird as well! thoughts and speech is more child-like in this damn world! This is bad! I'm screwed!...Remind myself to never mention the word 'screw' about please..." I mumbled, thinking back to having died for a screwdriver.

"Noted," The same feminine voice spoke which gave me a mini heart attack.

"Eh?! Oh wait- you're the voice who was speaking before! When I was dying! Who are you?!"

"Notice. I am not the same voice when reincarnation took place. I am the skill 'Great Sage',"

Mhm? Great Sage? Now that I think about it, it did mention that I had the skill 'Great Sage' when I was dying. I focused my attention back onto the conversation instead of my thoughts. "Okay, so Great Sage...quick question, what race am I?" I knew this was a stupid question but I wanted to make sure that I'm not in a weird dream or anything.

"Analyzing...Complete. Your race is a Leisurely Otter. Would you like more information?"

"Yeah," So it is true...

"Continuing analysis...Complete. Leisurely Otter's originate from Fontaine. Leisurely Otter's are mentioned is no records in this world other than in a novel,"

Fontaine..? Did universes get mixed or something? I'm pretty sure Leisurely otters are from Genshin Impact. I just shook off my thought and went back to focusing on the conversation.

"Thanks Great Sage! You're a real help. Besides that, could you tell me about this world?" I asked. Unsure of where exactly I am.

"Analyzing...Complete. This world is called 'The Central Axis World'. Also known as the 'Central World',"

"I see...Thanks again for the information," I said, before turning to my own thoughts.

So I am in a different world, therefore I am no longer on Earth, well I guess it makes sense since I doubt Earth has abilities like these. Although I brushed off that question, the real thing I am worried about it-

How long would I survive in this world..?

(Author's Note: Thank you for all the support and views! This is like the most I got for any other of my books! So thanks a bunch! Also! I'll try too make appearances of the main cast from Tensura soon, and also, a new character (which was make by a friend) will appear in the fanfic soon! Once again, thank you for all the support! Also should I do a WTDSIK fanfic-)

Reincarnated; but as an otter?Where stories live. Discover now