chapter 2

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Kaname Kuran. He is your average teen, a smart, talented teenaged boy. But of course first impression don't say it all the time.

Kaname is a pure blood vampire.

But he has only ever turned one person into a vampire. She is long dead but even so, Kaname will never forget the dark feeling he felt whilst he drank her blood, and could feel her as she turned.

That was years ago though. Right now, Kaname is in school, highschool to be exact. English class to go into detail, sitting next to the oh-so-popular zero Kiryu to be extravagant about it.

They had to work in partners, again. He didn't know is it was just him or if it was the teacher himself but he seemed to especially like working the students in pairs. Every time he made that announcement everyone was to work in partners he looked at Kaname and zero. Who would look at each other and shrug.

"Alright, I'll correct the first three paragraphs. You can correct the last three." Zero said.

"Fair enough." With this very little conversation the two began working. Editing the paragraphs on the pages. It didn't take long. When they finished zero took both worksheets and handed them to professor Cross.

"When you've finished your work I want you to talk with your partner."  Professor Cross said, again he looked at zero and me. "Its still early in the year and I'd like for as many friends to be made as possible. I want to hear chatter, no silence but don't get out of control."

Zero sighed. So did Kaname. The only thing the pureblood found he had in common with the silverette was the fact they both didn't really want to talk to each other. Not in a way like enemies, but just preferred to keep the friendship level to partners in English, maths, and science. Since of course like some anime/manga fan fiction Kaname had the luck of sitting next to Kiryu during most of school.

"We've no choice Kiryu. I suggest we deal with it." Kaname muttered.

Quietly a few zero fangirls squealed but Kaname heard them.

"Oh zero is so hot." One sqeaked.

"I wanna be Kaname..." The other whinned.

A tomboyish girl said in a slightly lower tone but with kanames vanpiric hearing her heard her clearly. "I'd like to get in their pants." She sneered.

Zero rolled his eyes as he must have heard them as well. Kaname knew he was a vampire. But didn't care much.

"It'd be best to ignore them." Kaname said looking off to the side. "They're worthless humans in my opinion."

"Says the pure blood." Zero hissed.

"Coming from a former human." Kaname shot back. He sent a cool and calm look at zero who sent his famous death glare at kaname.

Zero then saw he couldn't scare kaname. So he looked over at the clock. Thankfully class would end soon.

A few glare-offs later the bell eventually screamed and students grabbed their textbooks. Some students made their ways to science, as did kaname in zero.

Which sadly they sat next to each other in as well.

"Alright class." Said Mr. Hatake. (Yes I mean kakashi hatake, the copy Ninja, copied a thousand jutsu! Just a bit of a crossover because I hate names).

"Today we are working in groups. Pairs to be exact." He continued.

Again? I can't tell if its me or if everyone just thinks partners solves everything. Kaname thought annoyed.

Zero sighed and rested his head in his arms. He too was gravely annoyed. Neither of them hated the other, but it didn't exactly mean they wanted to be partners 24/7.

"You're science project I'm a signing you is rather easy for a start to the year. All you have to do is get to know the person you're sitting next to." Mr. Hatake explained. "I'm not asking anyone to become best friends or relationship partners, but at leased try to form a bond that will ensure me neither of you will rip each others throats out." He gave a closed eye smile under his mask.

That sure is a cheerful way to put it. Kaname sighed.

One girl raised her hand, Kaname remembered her name to be Hannah. "What do we need to do teacher?"

"Do what you can to 'hang out' with your partner. This ranges from a walk around the mall to a stay over ones house." He explained. "Other useful ways to connect.." The teacher then rambled on about how you could see a movie, have a picnic, walk in the park, go swimming, all that useless crap.

"Is this even legal?" Kaname heard zero mutter.

"Deal with it Kiryu. It wouldn't be worth throwing a tantrum about anyway." Kaname sighed. He then turned to the silverette, "so what do we do?"

"I have no clue. And everything this guy's suggesting sounds too much like he's assigning dates, not projects." Zero said with his whispery voice. One that always got the fangirls squealing.

Kaname grew a lonely, sad looking smile of amusement. "I can see your point." Sitting back in his chair he thought of things the ultra popular zero could do with him and it wouldn't be awkward or seemingly like a date. Soon the bell sounded. He turned to zero again, "would you like to discuss things durring lunch hour?" The brunette asked.

"I don't care. I've no body to sit with so..." He trailed off, as there was nothing to say but still awkwardness set in.

During lunch kaname and zero sat under a tree in dark shade, eating their lunches.

Well kaname was eating, zero-the-emo-popular-guy layed down on the grass in a bored manor. "So what are we doing about science?" The teen asked.

"I would suggest something isolated, for one, I don't like big crowds, and for two, the fangirls will do something about seeing you outside of school." Kaname said with a mocking look to the silverette.

Yes zero is the most popular person in school. No one really knows why but still, he's literally the most popular. One girl, whose father owns the coka products, even named a soda after the guy. Coke zero. Zero calories but they literally could've just put that, zero calories. But of course the guy his own soda, and boy did he hate it. Zero that is, Kaname didn't care.

But even so its the only beverage the school sells now. So Kaname had no choice but to twist the cap to the soda and gulp down a few sips.

"Why are you drinking that?" Zero started, more threateningly he finished, "vampire."

"It makes me less suspicious Kiryu." The pureblood answered. "Unlike you who doesn't eat, doesn't drink, and has the pale skin of a vampire. Its only your lavender eyes that mask your identity."

Wait, lavender eyes? Why did I say it like that? Kaname questioned himself as zero sat up, a questioning look on his pale face.

"Why did you practically compliment me, let along my eyes." Zero asked, but it sounded more of a demand than a question.

"Hmm." Was all kaname said. For he didn't know himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2015 ⏰

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