Chapter 22

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The night air was electric with excitement and anticipation as students, alumni, and faculty alike converged on Central State's vast outdoor amphitheater for the Homecoming bonfire and pep rally extravaganza. Amidst the pulsating thump of bass from the sound system and rousing percussion of the marching band, Anastasia felt a wave of momentary vertigo as she took in the throngs of revelers. Everything about the scene was intimately familiar from her undergrad days - the cheerleaders decked out in glittering CSU colors leading chants, the vendors hawking steaming cups of spiked cocoa and cider along the perimeter, the shimmering flames of the towering effigy licking at the velvety night sky. And yet, the uncanniness of experiencing it all again as a visiting adult, a decade removed from that carefree collegiate mindset, made Anastasia feel ever-so-slightly disconnected from her body. As if she were viewing the merriment through a smudged looking glass of nostalgia and wistful melancholy.

She clutched the sleeves of her oversized sweater closer, warding off a rogue shiver that had little to do with the crisp autumn temperatures. At her side, Jack remained his usual casually magnetic self, all twinkling eyes and roguish grins as he absorbed the festive atmosphere. Watching him interact so effortlessly with Sam, Josh, and the other fraternity brothers they had rendezvoused with over pre-gaming cocktails, one would never suspect he was the outsider to their cozy alumni clique. His charisma and zest for life in the moment allowed him to navigate these unfamiliar social waters with the finesse of a born insider.

Anastasia, on the other hand, couldn't seem to shake the lingering sense of being untethered from her present self, haunted by the ghosts of her past at every turn. Unbidden, her gaze kept scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Chris, simultaneously dreading and craving the invisible tether that hummed between them like a plucked chord. He had been scarce ever since their tense run-in outside of the Alpha Sig Sig house that afternoon, begging off further reminiscing with the gang in favor of tending to some ambiguous "personal matters." The avoidant distance was somehow both a reprieve and an exquisite cut to Anastasia's composure - part of her desperately needed space from the emotional quicksand Chris seemed to draw her into, while another masochistic part yearned to wade directly into the bog of their unfinished business.

Her rumination was suddenly broken by the sensation of Jack's palm grazing the small of her back, warm even through the layers of her clothing. He leaned in close, his voice a smoky burr against the shell of her ear to be heard over the cacophony of the crowd.

"Penny for your thoughts, beautiful? You've got that faraway look in your eyes again."

Anastasia mustered a wry half-smile, covering his hand with her own in reassurance. "Nothing exciting, I'm afraid. Just...processing being back here again after all this time. It's surreal, you know?"

Jack's aquamarine gaze softened in understanding as he brushed an errant wing of hair behind her ear with his free hand. "I can only imagine, babe. This place clearly holds a lot of intense memories for you." He paused, seeming to choose his next words carefully. "Both the golden...and the more complicated, it would seem."

Anastasia drew in a fractionally sharp inhale, catching the unspoken nuance behind his statement. In the scant 24 hours they had been back on her old stomping grounds, Jack had undoubtedly picked up on the strange, bittersweet tension crackling between her and Chris - even if he was too much of a gentleman to overtly acknowledge it. A hot flush of shame began creeping up her neck at the notion that her boyfriend might think her hung up on unresolved feelings for an old flame. _If only it were that simple_, she thought ruefully.

Tilting her chin up to meet his searching gaze directly, willing confidence into her tone that she didn't quite feel, Anastasia gave Jack's hand a meaningful squeeze. "I promise you, it's nothing I can't handle. Being's just a lot to take in and rehash after keeping those parts of myself boxed away for so long. Like...relearning how to ride the bicycle of my former self after a decade without practice, I guess?" She wrinkled her nose, dissatisfied with the clumsy metaphor. Shaking her head with a small huff of laughter, she continued, "What I mean is...I'm exactly where I want to be now, Jack. _Who_ I want to be with. The rest is just...white noise static from a closed chapter."

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