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suguru and shoko looked at their friend in shock and disbelief, there was no way [name] said all that

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suguru and shoko looked at their friend in shock and disbelief, there was no way [name] said all that.

"you've gotta be kidding me." the brunette scoffed.

"yeah, i'm kinda skeptical." geto also was a little suspicious.

"SHE SAID ALL THAT, AND HAD THE AUDACITY TO WALK AWAY." satoru exclaimed, he was pacing back and forth, while he was clearly just upset she was right.

the two others looked at each other, pretty skeptical and confused on what he was yapping about. they didn't even seem to believe him one bit.

"she had a good reason, if she even did say that.." suguru muttered the last part.

shoko nodded in agreement, "your really the reason why she said that. though, she did it like a queen and dissed you. your lucky enough she even thought to make a comeback at you."

satoru crossed his arms, he threw himself in his desks chair. completely irritated by everything recently. he slouched, like he was a child, he was acting like a six year old.

"your both seriously no help." he scoffed.


"i'm home!" [name] shouted, she took off her shoes and placed them down neatly. she walked through the halls, as she set her fencing gear down.

a middle aged lady peeked her head out through a door, she smiled softly. "welcome home, your mothers asleep. i've done the laundry and i bought some food. i also closed the restaurant,so everythings called for." umi explained.

umi helps around the house, basically a house keeper. ever since [name's] father passed away, the family had fallen apart a little. so they hired umi to help out, while [name] was at school.

"thank you, umi. i'll make sure your work is paid." she thanked, she bowed her head slightly. showing her gratitude.

"have a good rest of your day, dear."

[name] began to make dinner, since her mother couldn't really get around the house. due to a car accident, shortly after her father passed. she took it upon herself to act like a mother, for her younger siblings.

in the middle of making dinner, she heard the door open. she stepped out in the hall, seeing her siblings home.

"welcome home," she quickly said, before she went back to making dinner.

"where's mom?" her younger brother, shu questioned. he set his school bag on a chair, while he went over to the kitchen.

[name] was washing rice, while she was also beginning to boil some water on the stove. "asleep, go do your homework." she informed.

"need any help?" sachi, [name's] younger sister also asked. wanting to be some help.

"no, but thanks for asking. go help shu with his work, and do yours." she told her, while she began to cook the rice in the rice cooker.

this was her life, everyday after school. or on the weekends. she always put her family first, never herself. all that fencing, was a way to win some money to help her family out.

after the car accident with [name's] mother, the family of four were struggling. especially also because of the death of their father, who died to cancer. the car accident damaged the three children's mother, she couldn't get around as easily, she had back pains a lot. she also experienced PTSD from the accident.

"dinners ready!" [name] shouted through the house, signaling for everyone to come downstairs and eat. when she said that, she immediately heard footsteps running down the stairs.

the two younger siblings ran into the dining room, sitting on the table as they waited for their food to be served.

"thank you, big sis." shu thanked, as his older sister set down his plate of food.

[name] smiled softly, as she watched the two eat. she set her own plate down too, then went back into the kitchen and grabbed a tray of the food she prepared. "finish eating, sachi your doing dishes." she told them both, before she began to make her way down the hall to her mothers room. 

she knocked on the door, waiting for approval of going in. "mom, it's me, [name]." she informed, before going into the room.

she looked down, seeing her mother half asleep. she set down the food on the mat, while she went over to grab a table so it'll be easier for her mother to eat.

"good afternoon, mother." she said softly, keeping her voice low and soft. she sat down on the tatami mat, beside the futon.

her mother sat up, while she looked over at her daughter. "don't be so formal, i'm your mother not your grandmother." her mother laughed softly, she brought the tray of food over to her.

[name] hummed, "i also have another tournament, in two months." she informed her mother.

her mother sighed out, while she ate her dinner. "another one, huh? i've also been informed that your being moved to the college campus, even though your still in your 2nd year of high school." she explained, she sipped her tea, while she rethought about the letter from the school.

"yes, but it's not like i'll accept it. i have work in the morning, i have to make dinner, help shu and sachi with their homework-"

"it'll be fine, your still young." her mother assured her.


"we'll be fine, you've grown up before you should've. i'll ask umi to take more time to help around, i should also too." her mother reassured her, she took her daughters hands in hers. assuring her over and over, that they'd be okay.

[name] sighed softly, she looked into her mothers eyes. seeing them as if they were pleading for her to do it. "okay, i'll do it. i'll still try and help out though." she agreed.

on the outside, she might've been a 'attention seeker. though, she was only doing this all for her family.

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