Sienna | Part 0 (The Jackson Twins)

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Hi everyone :)

How are you doing? It's been a while and some of you might have already noticed my posting again, especially during the completion of my latest story "Light in Your Eyes".

I've been wondering about showing you what happens to Cal's and Amy's children once they grow up. Many of you have been asking about what happens between Cal's sons and Sienna (as hinted in a chapter of WWMTB). In this exclusive content, I'd like to tell you more about these new characters. By the end of this part, it will lead to a short story about Sienna, which will be posted in this book as well later on.

I hope that you'll love these characters as much as I do.

This part will be told in Jasmine's POV, 20 years after Epilogue 3 of My Girl.



I look in the mirror, tying my light brown hair in a ponytail. A smile curves on my lips as I stare at my yellow summer dress. It's perfect for today, bright and sunny. I'm going shopping with my best friend.

A glance at my wristwatch lets me know that breakfast might have been ready by now. Whose cooking would it be today? Mom's or Dad's?

I hum, ready to leave my room. Before I step away from the mirror, I snatch my lipgloss and apply it to my lips. Oh, well, what am I doing? The breakfast is going to ruin it, anyway.

I walk out of my room and down the stairs, passing the photo frames hanging on the wall. Every year, more of them are added. Now, there are too many of them. One day, the wall isn't going to fit all of them.

Anyone can see our family's journey on this wall. It starts from my parents' photos captured before they got married, when Dad was on tour and Mom was with him backstage. They looked so in love, just like they do now. Someone took a picture of them while they were taking a nap on the couch -- Dad was the big spoon, wrapping his arm around Mom from behind.

Then it's their wedding photo. Their honeymoon. Me, a newborn. And so on. Dad continuously adds more photos. Now, this wall is not only filled with them and me but also with my twin brothers, who are two years younger than me.

Last year, I spotted Dad staring at these photos with glassy eyes, as though he couldn't believe what he saw. I'd never seen such love in a man's eyes. That night, all I wanted to do was to hug him and tell him that we were not going anywhere.

I head to the kitchen as soon as I arrive on the first floor. The food smells so good that it makes my mouth water. Mom's giggles fill the air, and I stop short in my tracks.

Careful, Jasmine. You don't want to walk into...

I peek behind the wall, and just as I expected, Dad is pulling Mom into his arms. He plants a short kiss on her lips, causing Mom to smile and sigh. Mom circles her arms around his neck when their foreheads touch.

Gosh, even though I'm hungry, I don't have the heart to ruin this lovey-dovey moment between them. Mom just got back from a week vacation with her best friend, Keisha, so it's no wonder that they still miss each other.

I settle myself at the dining table instead. I just hope that they don't forget about our breakfast.

Footsteps echo from the stairs, and I look up. This one is calm, so I can guess to whom it belongs.

My younger brother, Tate, walks down the stairs with his hand in his pants pocket, wearing a white t-shirt and dark jeans. He has his glasses on, and his dark brown hair is still messy from the shower.

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