CHAP 1: little guy, blonde and office worker

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[A/N: the outfit nova is wearing is on the top! plus she has long blonde hair and light blue eyes! shes also like 150cm and 18:)]


My vision suddenly disappeared as I fell into a deep trance of darkness, then suddenly, I felt an unknown force shake me awake..
with that I slowly opened my eyes, light shining through my eyelashes, I squinted my eyes to see what was going on.. and then realised I was laying in the middle of an unknown city, around me were several people talking and walking, some glancing at me, probably curious to why I was laying on the ground.. and I noticed.. everyone spoke japanese, now me as a non japanese speaker, could not understand any of the things that was said.

'shit' I cursed.

I carefully stood up, to be pushed down again, someone bumped into me.


I fell down with a thud and began cursing.

"FUCKING HOE, WATCH WHERE YOU ARE GOING!!!" I then turned around and saw, that a tall male pushed me over, he looked shocked, the male had dark hair, glasses and a blueish suit, he looked like your average japanese office worker.

"YOU OLD FUCK!!" I cursed again, could you blame me??? (🥺🎀)

"SORRY!!!" The male exclaimed.
Only now I noticed 4 other people with him, a little guy with greenish/blackish hair, he wore a a green outfit, another guy that looked a few years older, he was blonde and had some traditional clothing on and two others, that looked like NPCs.

I raised an eyebrow.

'Ngl.. green hair looks familiar..'

Then it hit me and my eyes got wider.

"GON!!!!" I shouted and pointed at 'Gon'.

Gon pointed a finger at himself, I nodded.

"Do you know me..?" Little guy was confused af.

I raised an eyebrow.
"Idk what you just said but yeah?"

Quietness echoed.

Then the two NPCs pointed towards a shady looking hut and said smth, then they proceeded to go into the hut.

'Imma follow them..'

I stood up again and followed them inside.

(timeskip in the elevator)

Blonde, office worker and little guy were staring at me.

"Imma poke your eyes out.. if you keep staring.." I said.

All of them tilted their heads.

'Fuckkkkkkk... AUTHOR MAKE ME SPEAK JAPANESE!!!!' I pleaded.

'Sure thing!'

"What.." I said.


Gon blinked. "Hiii!" He waved to me.

"Dont wave at me like im some zoo animal" I bluntly said.

He went quiet..


'Got saved..'

The trio got their badges from a little green guy.

'They left me behind....'

"Heres your badge, dont lose it!" Green guy smiled at me.

'406' it read.

I didnt say thank you and proceeded to follow the trio again.

From a far a saw a musty looking guy coming towards them, I picked up pace, damn... now he is srsly.. looking outrageous.. disastrous.. disfigured.. repugnant and other words for ugly bitch, before I could reach them I saw petals flying around the room..
'What the fuck'

A clown man guy did some magic trick and made a guys arms disappear.. I started clapping.. dont blame me.. it was a magic trick..
Everyone looked at me weirdly, questioning my sanity.

I raised an eyebrow.
"A musty looking guy giving kids drugs and no one bats an eye, BUT THEN I clap to a magic performance AND IM THE BAD GUY???"

[A/N: hope u enjoyed! :)]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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