Too Old For Daycare!!

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Joshua’s POV

I knew we shouldn't have left the school but Elijah told me we wouldn't get in trouble then Principal Henderson walked up and told us to go to his office and I know going to his office just means trouble. So what do I do, I made myself be in trouble, like an idiot. Now I'm in even bigger trouble and to top it off, because I got suspended, and Dad couldn't pick me up, I have to go to DAYCARE!! I'm 13 years old!!

I don't say anything because I know my mouth will only get me in more trouble at this point so I keep my mouth closed but Elijah is speaking his mind and is saying exactly how I'm feeling

“You're bringing us to daycare? We are 13 years old, why can't you just bring us home or something else? I don't want to be with the little kids. They're so whiny and cranky all the time” he says in a whiny voice.

“If you want to be treated like a 13 year old then start acting like one. And stop whining!” George says and I see Elijah rolling his eyes.

I nudge him to try to get him to stop the attitude because he isn't making things better for himself but he ignores me and continues to test George and when Tyler pulls in to the parking lot or the police station, he opens my side and George opens Elijah's and smacks his bottom all the way from the car to the doors. I look around to see if anyone saw, and thankfully I don't think anyone did but that would have been embarrassing, dad has done it to me a couple of times.

When we get downstairs I start walking to the preschool room where my nephew is at and where I thought I was supposed to go but Tyler grabs me and steers me in the direction of the two/three year old classroom, this is real daycare!

“Tyler, why can't I be in the preschool room?” I ask trying to keep the whine out of my voice.

“Because George got permission to have you in this class” he tell me softly but firmly as he takes my backpack and sits it on the table we will be sitting at. He opens my backpack and takes out a notebook. Each student is given a sentence notebook at the beginning of the school year or are required to buy one since sentences are a common punishment, students have to have a place to write them.

Tyler's POV:

I open the notebook to a blank page and write on the top of the page

100 lines “I will not leave school grounds without permission.
100 lines “I will not curse at adults.
1 full paragraph on how leaving school grounds could have been really dangerous.

I give the notebook back to Joshua and he isn't happy when he reads the assignment I gave.

“You can't do this. George is handling this so mind your own business” he sneers at me and I look at my dad who gives me a nod of approval before I take Joshua by the ear and bring him into the bathroom.

“Oww! You JACKASS!” He yells and calls me names.

When we are in the bathroom, I shut the door and make sure I lock it.

“You know that your Dad has given me permission to punish you anyway I see fit, correct?” I ask him, standing feet shoulders length apart, arms folded.

“Okay okay, I will do the sentences and the paragraph but please don't spank me. I already am a lot of trouble and don't want a spanking from you added to that,” he said, pleading.

I internally roll my eyes ans turn him around placing 10 solid smacks on his bottom

“Oww,” he cries and rubs his bottom.

“Don't be disrespectful or call me names. Next time you won't have the pleasure of keeping your pants up. Go out to where you're suppose to be sitting and get the sentences and work done,” I tell him, giving him a hug and then unlocking the bathroom door and going back to the table.

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