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You wouldn't think it, but Luisa "Lu" Mario's life was actually pretty normal.

She went to school with her twin brother Mario, where they didn't always have the same classes, but Mario always made sure to look out for her anyway, even if it was just to walk her to class or protect her from a bully.

Thing is, there was a thunderstorm last night, so Lu decided the only thing she could do to wait it out was to start her favorite TV show over again. The Super Mario Bros. Super Show.

But right now, she's in the park, sitting on a bench by herself, thinking. Contemplating.


Lu doesn't usually care about election day, but she thought she should at least give the school clubs sponsoring it a glance, while their mom waits her turn for a voting booth.

Mario, surprisingly, had no such desire, choosing instead to write in a journal.

"Luisa? Luisa!" she hears their mom say behind her, so she turns to see.

"Go get your brother so we can go in!"

No need, as apparently Mario heard her, as he stands up to join Lu before they both follow their mom into the booth.

They both watch their mom fill out her ballot, then step back out.

Mario immediately goes off in a predetermined direction, so on instinct, Lu follows.

They don't stop until they're in a room full of stacked chairs, clearly not meant for anyone to be in at the moment, before Lu calls out, "What do you write in that thing all day?"

If Mario's startled by Lu following him, he doesn't show it, as he turns around.

"I'm writing recaps about the Mario Bros. Super Show." He explains with a smile. "Ever seen it?"

"Ma doesn't let us stay up that late!" That has to be the stupidest thing Lu could've said, because the moment it's out, Mario's face shutters away, head down as he opens his journal and starts writing.

"We're almost in high school." Lu tries, but that just makes Mario roll his eyes and laugh.

"Lu, be serious. We got 2 more years before we're considered high schoolers."

Mario resumes writing for a moment, then stops with a sigh. "Man, why is it our school only gets this much attention on election day, huh? You'd think we were hosting the presidential debate, not just setting up voting booths. It's like it's not even a school anymore."

"Is it a cartoon?" Lu asks, to change the subject. "The Mario Bros. Super Show?"

"It's so much more than that, sis." Mario says. "Just because it's animated, doesn't mean you shouldn't take it seriously. And the lore, my God!"

"I see the commercials sometimes." Lu says. "Looks really goofy."

"Alright, that does it." Mario says, closing his journal, getting up and walking over to where she's leaned against the wall, handing it to her.

"Here. If you wanna stay caught up, read this." He says sincerely. "It's also got my notes, drawings, all that good stuff."

"It comes on at 10?" Lu asks.

"Yeah." Mario nods. "Every Monday through Thursday. You're usually already asleep when I do."

"I'd get caught if I tried." Lu says bitterly, handing back the journal.

"I got more practice at sneaking around." Mario says. "Here's an idea."

"Hey Ma?" Luigi asks as she and Mario ride home in the family car with their parents. "Can me and Mario invite some friends for a sleepover in Mario's room?"

"Friends?" Their mom repeats in surprise. "You've never mentioned them to me before. You'd need permission from your father first."

The moment they're home, Mario and Lu rush to their rooms, while their mother goes to talk to their father.

They both listen in to the muffled talking as they lean against their closed doors.

One by one, the boys from their class are dropped off by their parents.

"You're sure your bad knees can handle this?" Ma asks Lu worriedly as Mario leads the boys to his room.

"Yes, Ma." Lu knows their mom means well, but really, it's just a sleepover.

"Alright, I'll be right out here if you need anything." Ma promises, so Lu nods, then goes to join Mario in his room.

Once Lu gives the nod, the other boys climb out the bedroom window, and down the fire escape, while simultaneously, Mario turns on the TV.

"Take a spot, it's about to start." Mario says, gesturing to the bed.

Hey paisanos!

It's the Super Mario Bros. Super Show!

We're the Mario Brothers, and plumbing's our game

We're not like the others who get all the fame

If your sink is in trouble, you can call us on the double

We're faster than the others, you'll be hooked on the Brothers, uh!

This particular episode is called Love 'Em and Leave 'Em.

"Why does this man still have his head?"

"Wait! Because inside this head is the answer to your problem!"

"Get to the point, jelly belly!"

"Hot pepper pistachio ice cream!"

"Hot pepper pistachio ice cream? I never heard of it!"

"It's the perfect new dessert! Just what you're looking for! My personal favorite!"

" I command you to make some at once! Then, off with your head!"

And from that point on, Lu knew she was hooked.

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