☁️🥀Caramel Arrow x Financier

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Dark Cacao Cookie was asked to come to the crème republic to talk about the souljam, which he did NOT like.

So he took his trustful warrior with him. Caramel Arrow Cookie, ofc he was suppose to come alone but Caramel Arrow wouldnt let him go.

So now the both of them stepped in crème republic, the walk was long and rough but nothing for a dark cacao warrior.

The crème republic was huge and beautiful, white shiny floor tiles that were used as walls too, and with ohter buildings, blue roofs mixed with the white. The sun was shining into the tiles making the whole place shine beautifully, it looked like the whole place was shining.

Walking across the republic lots of greens were on the paths of the crème republic. Trees dancing with the wind leaves falling to the ground. Water being all across the place.

Crunchy Chip told Caramel Arrow how beautiful this place was, but seeing it with her own eyes really made her speechles, back in the Dark Cacao Kingdom only thing that was shining was the snow. Then the dark walls protecting the kingdom, this was something new for Caramel Arrow. Something she hasnt seen before. All those years behind the great wall of Dark Cacao Kingdom made her forgot theres ohter places too, beautiful like her own Kingdom.

It was truly relaxing too. The sounds of the water and the waterfalls, the wind and ohter cookies talking. They all were safe here withou any walls. No fear or worry that one day the wall would break and all the monsters would come out.

Now now! Its not a good time to think about that isnt it not? Caramel Arrow and Dark cacao walked in a big beautiful building, waterfalls covering it with beige pillars.

The inside was beautiful too. Beige walls with blue stuff put everwhere giving it a nice mix of the beige and blue.

Two of the cookies walked to a big door custard soldiers one of each side next to it. When the noticed the King the opened the big doors that lead into a big room with more waterfalls.

Caramel Arrow's eyes went to the cookie that stepped out of the room. The cookie had short hair and white stripes, he looked at the two of them with his olive colored eyes.

"Oh Dark Cacao! I see you decide to come after all mh?" Clotted Cream spoke to the King giving his hand out to him and the two shaked their hands.

"Trust me, i didn't but i want whats the best for my kingdom." The King said coldly tightning the hand shake before letting off.

Clotted Cream chuckled nervously glancing at Caramel Arrow "I see you took one of you warrios with you?" He asked trying to not get the huge sword of the King deep in him.

"Yes, Caramel Arrow Cookie one of my best warriors and trust worthy." Dark Cacao replied. As the King said that Caramel Arrow Cookie adored the King and the way he called Caramel Arrow by those words.

Clotted Cream shoke Caramel Arrow's hand before speaking up again "very well Caramel Arrow Cookie, im Clotted Cream the consul of the crème republic, its a honor to have you here! Financier Cookie here is my trustworthy body guard too!"

Caramel Arrow nodded at those words before seeing the Financier Cookie he spoke of walking out. Her brown long hair covering side of her face having beautiful golden accessories in her outfit and head. Financier's beautiful Caramel eyes caught Caramel Arrow and walked to her shaking hands with her too.

"Well now since everything seems to be ready why dont you step in Dark Cacao?" Clotted Cream Reguested before stepping into the room with the King. "Financier please keep our visitor of the Dark Cacao Kingdom entertainted" Clotted Cream added going into the room with Dark Cacao. The custard soldiers closed the doors and Financier Cookie and Caramel Arrow was left behind.

"Are you seriously fine with leaving the one you are suppose to protect with a cookie that attacked him last time?!" Caramel Arrow questioned Financier getting a cold stare back. "This was the consul's idea. Said that its better to have a talk together with no guards and so on" Financier replied to Caramel Arrow turning to her.

Caramel Arrow sighed straightening her posture. "Hes probably right, none of us wants the two kingdoms go to a war"

Financier's eyes softned clearing her voice. "Well Caramel Arrow Cookie, i like you, you already seem a good loyal cookie to your King, i appreciate cookkes like you, and cookies that arent sir Madeleine." Financier confessed.

Caramel Arrow's eyes widened. She wasnt ready for the ohters to say such a words, she admired Financier already cheeks warm from her words. She broke the eye contact looking at the vanilla walls. "Thank you Financier, you seem a great cookie yourself."

The two smiled at eachohters starting a small talk about eachohters and the differend lives at their homes.


30 minutes has passed. The consul and the king still in the room talking, so are Financier and Caramel Arrow. Both grew close to eachohters getting to know both better, Caramel Arrow felt like she has knew the Cookie longer than what it has actually been already, she was having feelings for her already listening to her smooth voice that made the jam raise in her cheeks. Her words made Caramel Arrow laugh and smile, she hasnt had this type of feeling or conversation like ever. It was a nice feeling while it lasted. Yeah, while it lasted.

The doors were opened with brute force smacking to the walls creating a loud sound. Dark Cacao Cookie walked out, and he did not look happy.

Clotted Cream hurried to him and stopped his way by going infront of him. "King i promise you if you just let me expla-" Clotted Cream was cut off. "I DONT WANNA HEAR ANY WORDS FROM YOU, YOU WHELP!" Dark Cacao pushed Clotted Cream out of his way and went to Caramel Arrow. "We are going home." He said with his rough voice and already walked away wanting to get away from the male cinderella twink.

Caramel Arrow quickly looked at Financier. They didnt have even time to say their last words, have their last moment. And just when Caramel Arrow opened her mouth to speak Dark Cacao yelled. "NOW!"

Caramel Arrow couldnt get the words out of her mouth so she just ran after her king. Sadness washing all over her body. It was just a cookie she JUST met and shes having feelings like this... why? Maybe bc she wont ever have a conversation like that? Conversation with that EXACT same cookie?

Will she ever see her again?




Its been weeks since the meeting happend, the king has calmed down and is doing fine, but Caramel Arrow cookie still were feeling down. A great warrior like her cant feel burden like this. But she cant stop thinking about how Financier made her feel like. And how the will never meet again.

Thats untill when she heard a knock. A bird appeared on a window hitting its beak on the window. Caramel Arrow walked closer opening the window feeling the cold breeze hitting her face. The bird handed her a letter and flied away to the snowy forest.

Caramel Arrow Cookie looked at the letter seeing a hand writing with a certain name on it.

"From: Financier Cookie
To: Caramel Arrow Cookie"

Caramel Arrow smiled getting the same warm feeling back again that she felt for the very first time she met that cookie.



I have been hyperfixaded on certain thing and i have badly wanted to make a fanfic based on it...

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