☁️Brother!Peach Blossom & Sibling!Reader

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Reader will be know as C/F (Cookie's Flavor)

Gentle noise of water being poured on the grass, C/F picked up the water can and moved to a differend side of the garden to tend it.

C/F poured more water on the garden enjoying the sound of wind and the trees, watching the pink petals fall on the ground.

"And why do you look like a twink drag queen?" A new voice said caughting C/F attention, they put the water can down and followed the noise. C/F stepped forward from the trees and saw their brother, Peach Blossom talking to a new visitor that seemed disgusted of Peach Blossom's look

"You sound like a man and you probably have male anatomy so why dress like that? You will never be a woman you will be always a man." The visitor complained.

"Ahah... you see I am man actually, im just dressed like this beacau-" Peach Blossom got cut off "You are drag queen wanna be? This generation is RUINED bc of your kind of people." The visitor spat at him. "Oh you see i'm actually way older than you think... and i only spend my time here!" Peach Blossom explained gently.

"Now how about i prepare a nice cup of peach tea for you...? I am sure it will calm you down!" Peach Blossom added with a smile on his face.

"I'm not gonna drink anyhting YOU have to give." The visitor pushed Peach Blossom away. C/F could'nt watch this any longer and went between the fight

C/F didn't say anyhting they just punched the visitor in the face. The visitor yelpped in pain. "If you are gonna give that behavior in this garden you arent welcome here! Leave and never return!"

"Fucking crazy bitch..." The visitor muttured before taking their leave and continuing their way

C/F stood there watching them leave completely annoyed of how they treated their brother. Heavy annoyed breaths left C/F. Peach Blossom walked towards them and gently put his hand on C/F's shoulder.

"Oh C/F... you didn't need to do that! I was handling them well... i don't like it when the visitors leave in a bad mood... they should leave relieved and well!" Peach Blossom explained and smiled when he heard C/F calm down their breathing and relaxing.

"I know that, i very well do, but those visitors are horrible! How can you treat them with such kindess when they wont return it?! Theres no path for cookies like those..." C/F crossed their arms looking at Peach Blossom and seeing his usual happy and relaxed face, how can he stay positive all the time?

"Haha... should'nt we help cookies like those then? Theres always a path for everyone, even if its the wrong one you can guide ohters away from it... besides i get nothing from treating them terrible..." Peach Blossom pulled away his hand from C/F's shoulder onto his cheek "And you should always treat ohters with kindness! Its worth it and you will be rewarded from that!" Peach Blossom added as his smile widened and his gentle eyes watched C/F.

"You might be right... but i have seen how these cookies are, and theres no hope for them. Especially if they come for you." C/F said worried about his brother and his wellness with all this negativity.

"Maybe it would help if you drop that attitude and help me with those cookies? You're so negative and rude when it comes to visitors picking on me, have you tried to treat them with kindness and care mh? Maybe serve them a cup of tea? A small talk?" Peach Blossom yet again moved his hand and cupped C/F cheek smiling at them.

C/F sighed admitting their defeat, maybe they should listen to their brother and do as told, besided hes usually right. "Fine, but if any of them keeps giving an attitude to me they're getting kicked out." C/F exclaimed hearing Peach Blossom's gentle laugh.

"Very well then!" Peach Blossom smiled of the agreement and straightened his posture while his hand leaves C/F's cheek. "Cmon, why dont we have a cup of tea and then tend the garden together?" Peach Blossom requested while clapping his hands and taking his leave.

C/F nodded and followed him to have a nice evening with him.

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