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"Why do you always cry?"

Percy was at a loss for words, he had subconsciously known that Annabeth was no longer the girl he had held so high in regards, but there was a slim hope left in him that the girl he had fallen in love with was still there somewhere.

That hope had been crushed.

He had learned to expect cruelty from his love, but the torment never went outside of the view of others. He had always been fatally loyal, a destiny written for him from birth.

He was fatally flawed. As was she. He had known for years that she seeked power and glory.

But what he didn't know, however, was how far she was willing to go. Even against her "love."

The answer was far. Far too far.

Well, he decided, two can play at that.

He ripped a small, thin, spiral-bound book from his pocket. Eyes stinging, he refused to let any more tears fall.

He had always been impulsive.

The book was tossed carelessly at Annabeth, pages crumpled and ink smeared. Percy left.

He stood, saluting her with harsh movements, and he left, muttering to himself.

Before he was out of sight, though, he turned, calling over his shoulder, "Bye, Wise Girl!" Although these particular words were not usual for Percy Jackson, the tone was. If you asked anyone who knew the real Percy, he was nothing but heroic and upbeat. These words were angry and betrayed. This Percy had learned the real meaning of loyalty and intended to honor it.

Those who take advantage of your loyalty don't deserve it. Annabeth didn't deserve it. The camp didn't deserve it. None of them did.

They didn't deserve him.


Annabeth stood in that spot, feet rooted firmly to the ground, and stared at the small journal.

Percy's sudden display was enough to freeze her when nothing before ever had. She then thought it over, eventually deciding to slowly reach down and grab the book delicately.

She opened it, reading the messy scrawl of the first page. In Ancient Greek, it read:

Entry #1- 7/14

Hey, so I've decided to start... journaling, is that what this is? I guess.. Whatever. So, anyway, Annabeth told me a few years ago that mortals journal to keep their emotions together. (or something like that.) Um, so I've decided to take her advice because she's a, as the nickname suggests, wise girl. So... times have been kinda tough lately, but I believe I can get through it. I believe we can get through it. I'll update you, xoxoxo, Percy.

Entry #2- 7/29

Hi, it's Percy. (obviously..) Um... so, things have been kinda insane right now. I'm just worried. Annabeth has really seemed to lose herself. She's just acting completely different. I do, however, trust her. With my life. So, I believe that she can get through it, whether she wants my help or not. She doesn't need me for that, and however worried I may be, I know her. She's my Wise Girl. Stay tuned for better times, xoxoxo, Percy.

Entry #3- 8/31

I need to leave. They have made my home someplace that I can't even hear myself think. On my second quest, everyone was going on about fatal flaws. I get it now. I can't leave. This place holds every memory, every friend, every experience that I have grown to treasure so fondly. They hurt me. I did nothing to them, and they hurt me. How do I stay loyal to that?I don't know, but how do I not? However, they don't want me. Apparently, if I'm not "Seaweed Brain" anymore, I'm no longer human. So, goodbye. This is my last entry,

- Lost.

Annabeth stood there, holding the book. Her eyes pricked with the absence of tears, which was somehow worse than just dropping to the ground and crying. Her hands shook slightly, but that was the extent of her outwardly guilt. She wanted to feel something. She wanted to hurt more than she did. And yet, she silently tucked the notebook in her pocket, not so much as a shaky breath, and made her way out of the wood. When other campers asked questions, she lied. She didn't want to, but she was fatally flawed.

Flawed but a hero.

Her hero was probably dead.


Percy didn't know where he was going. He didn't want to go anywhere, he didn't want to be anywhere. He eventually realized that his fruitless wandering had subconsciously led him to the one place he had vowed that he would never see again.

Take a wild guess.


He stared down into the pit, longing for the girl he had once dropped down with.

"I'm sorry, Wisegirl," he accepted those words as his last, and with one final tear, outstretched his arms and dropped again.

He braced for impact, eyes screwed shut tightly, but was instead met with a soft voice.


He shuddered slightly, knowing that this was just the trick of Tarturus.


The voice sounded again, he muttered back,

"Shut up."

Another voice was heard, ringing out.. It's booming power could be heard from the top of Olympus.

"Perseus Jackson."

He looked up, scowling at the name he had been addressed with, only to be met with a stark, vibrant color. He couldn't place what color it was, but he squinted against it anyway.


He looked toward the first voice, not expecting to see the boy he had lost so long ago.


The powerful being spoke agin, their voice ringing in Percy's ears, "Come with us, Perseus. Join us. I am the primordial, Chaos, and you are being granted this second chance."

Percy shared back at them blankly. "Um, no."



Percy looked back at Luke in disbelief, muttering, "What the fuck..?"

"C'mon, Percy.."

And something about his tone was convincing enough for Percy to agree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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