Hello! Thank you so much for the views so far. I am very new to Wattpad and really appreciate you all for taking the time to read my work! 🥰
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Chapter 10: Trial and Errors
Gojo did not check on Unik until night fell. He was worried about her but couldn't bring himself to face her knowing that he had made her cry again. We've talked before...I said sorry already...why can't things be okay for once? thinks Gojo as he reaches Unik's door right before midnight. He stood in front of her door looking at his feet for a few seconds before opening the door, his six eyes told him that Unik wasn't in her room. Walking in Gojo saw Unik's empty bed and her window beside it wide open.
Unik sat on the roof of the dorms with her knees to her chest. The cold night air felt great, she let the breeze comb through her hair and kiss her forehead. Internally, Unik felt oddly numb, a pit had formed in her stomach and chest. It is as if she had become hollow, like her emotions have left her body leaving nothing but a husk of flesh and bones. I don't know if I want to feel anymore...there's too much pain...it's not worth it. Unik replays the words that Gojo said to her this morning. A part of her was glad he hadn't checked in on her but a part of her wondered if he'd given up on her. She hugs her knee closer as tears build up in her eyes. I don't get it...what am I doing wrong...why am I here...we talked already shouldn't I feel better?
The air suddenly stirred and Unik looked up from her knees sensing someone joining her on the roof.
"What are you doing up here?" asks Gojo.
"I hate that I can't fool your six eyes anymore," mutters Unik, blinking away her tears. Gojo chuckled, he thought back to the times when Unik was little and would sneak up on him to scare him. During that time four-year-old Unik made it obvious that she was trying to scare him, indeed, his six eyes were not as strong as they are now. Gojo walks over to Unik and sits beside her, the two look over out onto the landscape that makes up Jujutsu High in silence.
"I'm sorry," whispers Gojo, staring out into the terrain.
"For what?" asks Unik.
"For not being..." Gojo trailed off causing Unik to look over at her brother. His usual goofy smile and relaxed demeanour were replaced with furrowed brows, hunched shoulders and downcast eyes behind his pitch-black sunglasses. The two remained silent for a while longer. Neither of them knew what to say next, what needed to be fixed, if anything.
"How much did Migeul tell you...about my time with Geto?" Asks Unik, breaking the silence. Gojo's mouth tightened at the mention of his dead friend's name.
"Only that he was raising you as a member of his family."
The two sat there a while longer. Gojo thinks back to the moments after his fight with Miguel. He was about to finish Miguel off when he suddenly surrendered. Pressed for time, Gojo thought nothing of it and headed back to Jujutsu High to finish off Geto like he should've ten years ago. After the whole ordeal, Gojo found Miguel to confirm whether or not he was a danger to his students and whether or not Miguel would be willing to train Yuta. During this time, Miguel had let Gojo in on a secret, that his sister was alive all this time and that Geto had been raising her as his own.
"This is her now." Miguel shows Gojo a photo of the now grown-up Unik on his phone. She was smiling with Miguel beside her, holding up a little peace sign. "Geto got word that she was being held captive by the past clan leader and went to rescue her in hopes of adding her as an asset to his cause. Upon arriving though she was dying from a stab wound, Geto did everything he could to help Unik heal and he grew a soft spot for her over the years... though he didn't want to admit it." Gojo looked at the Unik in the picture and thought back to the last time he saw her. She's gotten taller, thinks Gojo.
"Looking back, I wish I had brought her back to you as soon as we found her...but I'm telling you about her now because I know she is alone again...and I don't think I am who she needs. Unik is still young...with Geto gone and the majority of our family being MIA...I think she needs an adult figure, some guidance or at least a person who will take care of her. I think it's time you guys reunite...to remember what it really means to be in a family...not in a cult."
From then on the main goal was to get Unik back, to gain some sense of familiarity after so many years of difficult choices. It will be alright Gojo would tell himself. He remembers the way Unik would run into his arms and smile brightly, welcoming him home. He wanted that again...but when Gojo saw Unik coming up the stairs with Miguel and Yuta, he knew that 'normal' was forever gone.
Back on the roof, the two siblings sat beside one another in silence. Just the strongest next to the outcast.
"What exactly do you want from me?" Unik's question surprised Gojo, "what do you mean?" he asked, looking over at his sister. Unik shifts uncomfortably.
"Like, I get why you wouldn't want me to get hurt but like, I got stronger because of this mission...and you yelled at me for it...I don't know...Geto always told me to fight for what I believe in...I believe I can get stronger...I want to get stronger, strong enough to find a better way for Geto to fulfill his dreams...to build the world he wanted without the bloodshed...but Geto..." Unik trailed off and buried her face into her knees, she felt tears start to build again. Gojo watched Unik hide her face. He placed a hand on Unik's head. Her hair was soft and her head was bigger than it used to be. A small pang of sadness briefly erupted in Gojo's chest.
"I'm not really asking for anything...I just...I want to be your older brother again..." Gojo removed his hand from Unik's head as she looked over to him. Gojo gazes up at the sky, the stars look like sugar and twinkled like Unik's eyes when she was younger. Gojo looked at Unik again. Her eyes glowed like a predator waiting for their enemies to pounce at them.
"I mean...you're still my brother..."
"Yeah, I know..." Says Gojo with a shrug. Unik tilts her head, she can tell Gojo is trying to keep up his usual cool demeanour. A strong breeze bellows down onto them. Unik sneezes, shivers and scootches closer to Gojo seeking warmth. Gojo was shocked for a bit but then put his arm around his sister to keep her warm.
"Unik, I'm sorry I yelled at you," whispers Gojo, "it's not often someone who you thought was dead comes back into your life...I don't mind helping you get stronger, or to find new goals but I ask that you do not put yourself at risk...I may be the strongest sorcerer of the century but...that's just a physical thing" Unik listens intently and nods, trying to understand her brother's deeper feelings. She looks up at her brother and smiles.
Gojo continues, making the effort to slowly form the sentences in his head before saying them out loud. "I don't know how to show you that I am genuinely here for you now...but I ask that we give each other time to figure this out." Gojo peers down at Unik, and their eyes meet. Unik nods, letting her brother's words sink in. "I will try my best too" Gojo chuckles at Unik's scrunched-up face as she reflects on everything.
They sit beside one another a little longer in silence. Two siblings appreciate each other's presence, promising to work through the challenges that lay ahead.
Yuji stared at the ceiling of the basement he'd been hiding in. In a few days, he will reveal himself to be alive again and will reunite with his friends to compete in the Goodwill Event. He felt weird tingles mixed with anxiety and excitement swirl up from his stomach to his chest. Suddenly a soft knock can be heard at the door. Jumping up from the couch, Yuji looks up the stairs that lead to the door of the basement.
"Yuji?" whispers a gentle voice. Yuji bolts up the stairs and rips the door open. Unik stood there, shocked by the air current the door made.

Gojo's Sister With Cursed Blood
FanficKidnapped from her home, Unik Gojo, the little sister of the strongest sorcerer of the century and an outcast of the Gojo clan will reunite with her brother Satoru Gojo after years of fear, desperation and anger. Unik will learn and relearn how her...