The hangout🪼

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Sorry it's been so long I keep getting lazy and don't write but since it's summer and I have alot of free time I've decided I'm gonna try to finish this story and maybe do more story's aswell:))

Obanai's pov:

I head to my house first to change into something more comfortable, these uniforms are not only ugly but also uncomfortable for no other reason than to just make students life's even more hell.
I make it home and text Giyuu
Kuchisake-onna:I'll head out in 30!

Jurogumo:Kk see you soon

Kuchisake-onna: See youu
We made our names as urban legends because that's another one of our geeky interests. I head towards my room to grab some clothes to change into. I rummage through my closet and find pair of grey sweatpants and an oversized skeleton shirt. I head to the bathroom to freshen up and put my hair in a ponytail. When I finish I head to the kitchen to grab a snack and my keys then to the living room to pick up kaburamaru and text Giyuu.
Kuchisake-onna:I'm on my way

I walk outside and lock my door, then start towards my car. But I trip, I've always been on the clumsy side so it wasn't unexpected but I ended up scratching my elbows up and dirtying my mask.
"Good thing I have extra bandages in my car." I say to my snake. He slithered to my back so he wouldn't get hurt. I then get in my car and take off my bandages to change them. I open the snack I brought for kaburamaru to eat on the ride there since it's quite a while away.

                               Time skip..

I arrive at Giyuus house and knock on the door. I wait for him...
And wait..
"GIYUU WHAT THE FUCK" I yell hopefully he heard me. Either way I decide to call him cause it started to sprinkle and I wasn't waiting in the rain.
**Bring bring**
G:Oh shit.. I'm coming down
O:Are you deaf I knocked 10 times and yelled for you?!
G:I fell asleep.
O: Whatever doofus hurry up it's raining.
*Hangs up*

     He did not just hang up on me.Before I got mad he opened the door
G: "Sorry I was asleep.. please forgive me" 
O: "I- it's ok! Just let me in"
G:oh sorry
    'I can't believe I just stuttered infront of him" I slap myself mentally. He had on black shorts and a white tank top.His hair was down. He was hot not gonna lie. I'm definitely gay for him like just look at him and tell me you wouldn't love him either.
  I walk in and he closes the door behind me I then take off my shoes at the door and set them down. His house is pretty big his family is rich and his sister is married to an even richer guy. "It's like a mansion in here." Shit I said that out loud.
G: "Don't you like it?"
O: "yeah.."
It must be nice having a family that loves you. Mine gave up on me when I was six and I was put in foster care where Rengoku and his father adopted me. I moved into my own house this year because Rengoku moved out and his dad was abusive towards me since his wife died.
I follow Giyuu upstairs to his room and I freeze when I enter his room.
O: "Dang I haven't been over in a while your room looks completely different!"
G: "yeah I redid it in the summer."
O: " it's nice I like it"
G: "thanks"
He smiles at me and my face lit up. My face was as red as a tomato. Luckily it was mostly covered by my mask.
   I sat down kaburamaru on his desk and gave him a snack.
G: "come sit down"
O: "ok"
I sat down next to him and he turned on the tv to show "The Legend of  Teke-Teke"
G: "wanna watch it with me?"
O: "duh" I playfully punch his shoulder
G: "Rude much?"
O: " me rude? Never"
I lean back and hold myself up with my arms and watch the movie.

                  Time skip to mid movie..

It's getting to the good part of the movie and I'm nearly standing up when Giyuu grabs my THIGH?! Am I dreaming or am I just schizophrenic.
O: "Giyuu..?"
G: "what's up"
O: "Uhm your hand"
G: "what about it?"
O: "Uh.. never mind."
  Giyuu goes back to watching the movie and I'm over here about to have a heart attack cause what the flip flop is he up too. He moves his hand up, UP.
O: "Woah buddy.. what you trynna do?"
G: "watch the movie"
O: "you bouta get more than that movie if you keep this up."
G: " what do you mean?" He SMIRKS??!
O: " watch the movie dumbass"
   Im going to have a stroke. I get over it after a minute or two and I move closer to him. At this point our shoulders are touching. I move my arm around to his waist and grab it as tight as I can. He groans and then just stares at me.
O: "Got a staring problem kid?"
G: " no but you do I saw you staring at me earlier."
O: "you saw me?"
G: " yeah I just said that."
O: "oh.."

                One identity crisis later..

It starts to get hot but I don't want to tell Giyuu that so I decide to take off my mask.                     'It's still hot..' so I do the only logical thing and take off my shirt. Whoopsies. I take off my shirt and Giyuu is just staring at me.
O: "like what you see queer?"
G: "hmm yeah."
O: "you weren't supposed to admit it."
G: "welp too bad"
O: " you du-"
Before I can finish my sentence he puts his hand on my chest. He's got me crazy. I might explode. He picks me up and puts me on his lap.
O: "Giy-"
He cuts me off by putting his hand over my mouth. What the fuck man thought we were friends. He starts CARESSING my scar. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach. Maybe I should take off my shirt around him more.
He then touches my lips and pulls it down where my mouth is slightly open. I'm breathing really hard and It's quite embarrassing, I can't say anything because I physically can not speak. He picks up my chin to look him in the eyes and he leans closer. So I do the same. Slowly our lips meet, it's a short but passionate kiss. But it doesn't stay short for long because as soon as we broke the kiss he pulls me down ontop of him and kisses me. It quickly turns into a make out session with our heads swaying back and forth as his tongue explores every part of my mouth. Tiny moans escape my mouth making Giyuu pull me even closer every inch of my body is touching his. It's like we are compressed together.
    After awhile our kiss finally breaks and we're gasping for air. I lay down on him as he moves my hair over so he can kiss my neck. It starts off as quick pecks but it slowly becomes more and more extreme. My head is buried into his neck and I'm holding him by his shoulders as he bites down in one particular spot. Cause me to flinch up and moan. I lay up and stare at him as I'm basically straddling him. He smiled at me. He's underneath me and smiling at me. That made me lose it. I groan as I melt back into his chest holding onto his waist while he's grabbing my thighs. I fall asleep in his arms.

Kabu: "What the fuck did I just witness"

I'm ending this here 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ I'm a bad writer so I apologize for anything wrong with this. See you next chapter maybe.

Word count: 1365

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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