Johnny X Reader 🍋: Messing with Royalty

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Bitches thought I was dead, didn't you?
Sksk, anyways sorry for taking so long but here's this. Let's see if I can knock these excising request out!

Anyways, updates will still be slow. Moved into my new house but still have some fixing up to do on it. But I feel bad for not giving y'all something, so here is this very KINKY shit right here.

Btw, requesting is still closed

Johnny quietly watched as Raiden delivered another hard punch to Reiko's jaw, making him wince a little. Man, that must have hurt. Johnny couldn't help but raise a hand to his own jaw, rubbing it as if he was the one who got punched and imaging the pain. However, as the match continued, Johnny's gaze roamed around the palace's throne room out of boredom. After all, watching Raiden fight was getting boring. His eyes then flickered over to the empress - or well... the empress's overly beautifully gorgeous and amazingly hot younger sister who stood by her throne.

   Oh yes, Johnny noticed her the second they walked into the throne room for the tournament. And she is stunning! She had beautiful shining hair, eyes that could stop a man in his tracks, and a body that would make any warrior weak at the knees. He could get used to seeing her around. Especially in a realm full of battle harden men, beauty like hers is more than welcomed.

   As Johnny stared at her, getting lost in his admiration, (Y/N)'s own eyes suddenly snapped towards him leaving their gazes to lock with one another. Johnny's breath got caught in his throat, but he couldn't help but smile nervously and feel tense at the way she was looking at him. Her gaze was intense, her pose spoke of authority and power. She truly demanded attention. And it left him a little nervous. Especially after she just caught him staring at her. He cleared his throat and adjusted his posture before returning his attention to the match, trying to play it cool as if he wasn't just gawking at her like a horny schoolboy checking out the hot new teacher. He was a charmer, a smooth talking, a true ladies man, only to himself though, but she was royalty. Someone of power and status, demanding respect and attention. And yet, he would definitely put the moves on her if Liu Kang hadn't stressed not do that under any circumstances. And right now, he really hoped he didn't just fuck something up and made her feel disrespected with his creepy staring.

But little did the struggling actor know, (Y/N) felt no disrespect. In fact, she was amused. Amused to have caught them checking her out, to feel his gaze on her body. This little Earthrealmer seem smitten with her already, which is nothing new to her. She was known for her beauty, even in Outworld. Beauty that she often used to her advantage and which often got her in trouble and never gained her any favors from mother and father, or even Sindel. But oh well, fun is fun. And he looks fun. Very fun.

"Beaten by a simple farmer." (Y/N) was snapped out of her own thoughts and returned her attention back to the match at hand. And it seemed Reiko has lost. But of course, the fool. Raiden had turned back to Sindel, demanding his next match, but (Y/N) wasn't listening anymore once again.

Her gaze drifted back to the fun-looking man that stood alongside Liu Kang. She just silently watched him, seeing him shift on his feet. And she grinned. Every now and then he'd glance back at her before quickly looking away. He looked nervous and unsure. As if her intense stare frightened him. And she loved the sight. Finally, she noticed her sister and nieces descending the stairs and she followed them without saying a single word. Her eyes stayed glued to the fun-man and he finally looked up to meet her gaze without averting his eyes, once again locking their gazes together. As she continued to follow her big sister out the throne room, the two of them silently watched each other as if having a silent conversation, a mutual acknowledgment of their interest in each other, before she finally tore her gaze away as she left the throne room with her family. Yep. He definitely has her attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16 ⏰

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