Part 1: Growing up together

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A/n: hello and welcome to the story! Quick disclaimer: chapters will be 2k words at least and chapters will be posted whenever I'm able to get them done! Alright enough abt the boring stuff...enjoy the story!

As far back as Yakko could remember, he and his twin sister Cassie were as close as can be

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As far back as Yakko could remember, he and his twin sister Cassie were as close as can be. Whether it was when they were living in the calm country side or in the bustling city of LA, they were always as close as can be.

When they were younger, at the age of 8 they lived in a small cottage with their mom and dad and two younger siblings Wakko and Dot. Wakko was 2 and Dot was 1 and they probably would barely remember the cottage in its glory days if you asked them about it before it became abandoned. Everything was happy and peaceful in the calm forest they lived in. Every day they played outside, the cool breeze blowing against their fur as they played on the swings, fighting over who got their turn first. They played near the calm streams by their house, racing sticks down it and watching to see who won. All day they would play games in the forest, it was like heaven for little children.

"Hey wait up!" Cassie called out as she then fell to the ground trying to chase Yakko. "Ow! Ow! mommy! Mommy!!" She screamed. She had hit her chin, and her first tooth had came out, which had definitely frightened her. "Oh sweet heart!" Angelina, her mother exclaimed. Cassie was screaming and crying, Yakko concerned. "Is she ok?" Yakko said as he had started crying. "She will be fine.." Angelina sighed. "I lost.. I lost!" Cassie struggled to say as she held up her tooth to her mom. "You lost a tooth! Honey that's awesome!" Angelina smiled down at her young daughter. "It is!?" Cassie cried out, realizing she was ok. Angelina chuckled. "Yes now let's bring you inside."

All seemed well in their small home in the small forest.. until..

Their mother, Angelina became very sick and was ordered by her doctor to lay in bed. She had a fever and her body ached all over. No doctor could fully understand exactly what Angelina had. The children were worried for their mother, as their father had set them down a few times to talk about the possibility of the loss of their mom. As the days went by she progressed and progressed until she could barely speak. She knew it was time, and so did her husband William. So he called the children in and they sat around her, the youngest ones not fully understanding what was going on. Yakko and Cassie on the other hand, understood to a certain extent.

"Yakko... Cassie." Angelina said softly under her breath, her voice very dry and each breath she took being heavier and heavier. "Mom." Cassie said as she hugged her mother, tears beginning to cover her face. Yakko also followed in for a hug and he also began to cry. Angelina hugged them, even though she had little strength and brought them closer to her. "My twins, stay strong. You need each other." She said slowly as she let out one last cough and one last breath. Then her heart stopped... and William gave Angelina one last kiss on her hand as he then held it and stroked it.

"Mama?" Baby Wakko asked, causing all of them to break down into tears.


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