Part 6: regret

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TW: blood, Gorey themes, not recommended for children or people who don't like angst! Sorry guys, no fluff here!

"Alright compute, take it away!" Yakko confidently said as he started up his systems to begin the procedure. Then Yakko went to leave the room when Cassie became very nervous. "Wait! Don't leave me here!" Cassie exclaimed, immediately changing her mind. What if something went wrong? He needed to keep a close eye on her! "Ugh fine Cass, but I just don't see why you don't trust my assistant." Yakko said with an eye roll as he turned around and sat at his desk. "But if you really want me to stay.." Yakko sighed. Cassie felt a bit of relief but not completely. The AI assistant began to clean her wound, Cassie shrieked in pain but eventually she got used to it. Yakko just worked on his computer at his desk waiting for the procedure to be over.

"Shouldn't take too long." Yakko spoke as he worked. The bot finished the cleaning process and began to sew up the wound. Now that really hurt. Cassie withstood it and all seemed to be going well. But something in the process went wrong. Yakko didn't know that a chipmunk had been eating away at Dr computes wires. This caused him to malfunction and select the wrong tool. Instead it suddenly pulled out a knife. It had many tools it could switch between, but Cassie did not expect this. She looked over to its system to see it sparking. Something was definitely wrong. "Yakko!" She shouted nervously as the bot lifted the knife up high like it was about to slice her in two. 

"Calm down Cassie, it won't hurt you." Yakko mumbled, not even caring to look back. "YAKKO IT HAS A-" before she was finished with her sentence it stabbed her quickly. She screamed in pain, Yakko turned around before it was too late and tried to stop it. It continued to stab her over and over again, blood gushing everywhere around Yakkos lab, Cassie eventually passing out. Her stomach covered in red. Yakko tried to stop the machine, when he finally did.. during the process his arm was sliced clean off by the knife. Yakko screamed in agony and pain as he grabbed his bleeding arm. Wakko, who has just witnessed this all, called Dot for help. He was in pure shock and barely could run to the scene without feeling like gagging.

"YAKKO!" Dot screamed as he passed out. Tears were in their eyes along with Wakkos. "Dot.." Wakko whispered as he looked down at Cassie. "What?" Dot asked as she gasped, beginning to really ball her eyes out. Cassie was covered in blood, it was quite a graphic scene for two children to witness. "She's.. she's." Wakko stumbled as he couldn't even speak. They decided the best thing they could do was tend to Yakko. They brought him to the hospital where Dr scratchandsniff and Hello nurse went to visit him. Yakko hadn't known about Cassie's death yet, and he had just woken up and was feeling better, so they couldn't break the news just yet..

"Didn't even hurt at all, Cassie will think it's hilarious! I'm a one armed man now!" Yakko chuckled. Somehow due to the trauma from the event he must have forgotten what had happened before, because he seemed to have no memory of the stabbing so he didn't assume she was dead. Dot and Wakko sighed as tears began to roll down their face. "Wait what? Is Cassie ok?" Yakko asked as he then remembered the event that had just taken place. "Yakko... Cassie is. Dead." Dot managed to speak. Then it all hit Yakko at once, Cassie's screams.. his machine... "I killed her." Yakko said as the realization hit him. "It's my fault." Yakko said as he looked at his hands almost as if he didn't feel like himself. "I KILLED MY OWN SISTER!" He screamed as he balled his eyes out. His siblings went over to comfort him but it wasn't helping.

Days after even he was still the same, he wouldn't leave his room, wouldn't talk. His mental health wasn't doing well either. Wasn't eating, barely sleeping and not showering our brushing his teeth. He was depressed. Today was the day of the funeral, and his siblings didn't know if he'd come out or not. He knew about the funeral. His siblings waited outside his door. They had a feeling he would go even if it meant he had to go out. He was so close to Cassie, they were inseparable. He told her that he would be the one to die first, but if she did that he would be at her funeral to the very end and be there early. And he did stay true to his word. He didn't say anything the whole drive there. He didn't speak to his siblings. 

When they got there Yakko stopped even acknowledging his siblings. He just stared into space. He was obviously experiencing disassociation. When it finally came time for the burial Yakko was front row at the casket as they lowered it. Even though he had been "staying strong" for his siblings the past few days he couldn't not show emotion. He broke down in tears, kneeled to the ground and took out a flower from his suit pocket. He placed it on the casket. "I'm so sorry Cassie... I know that purple petunias are your favourite flower. Please forgive me Cass.." he cried while his younger siblings watched him break down. They felt much sorrow for him that day. 

And as months went by they decided to cancel their contract with Warner brothers and move back to where they used to live as kids. They fixed up their old house and began to live "normal" life's again. Yakko never kept up with the whole scientist thing after the incident, instead he decided to pick up art. He knew how much Cassie loved art and cartoons so he became a cartoonist and made content online. He did it in honour of her. And every Friday he took out the photo album and thought about one memory of Cassie, so as never to forget her. This afternoon he was looking at a particular photo of his that he dearly loved, one of Cassie on the swing set at their house. "You really should have let me go first Cassie, I don't know what I'll do without you.." Yakko sighed and then he smiled. "Love you." He said as he kissed the photo and put it away.

I'll never forget you Cass, my love, my life my inseparable other half. My joy, my stronghold my saviour. 

A/n: Whooohooo first story I've ever finished! I had SM fun writing this short story for you guys! Yes I definitely intended for it to be a small book and I apologize if you were wanting more! But don't worry because I'm starting a new Animaniacs AU soon! It's going to be longer, action packed and totally awesome! Im also working on a tmnt au if you're interested in that stuff! Anyways tysm for reading you guys, hope the ending was what you had hoped for and see you sometime soon! Byeee - Silly 🙃 

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