Chapter 1

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Alya and Marinette were walking to their high school math class together.

The navy blue school hallways and tall, tan lockers were bussling with students everywhere.

It seems like things were different for the previous College Francoise Dupont Middle School students.

They were about 16 years old now. Time to begin adulting. And with a new style of clothes too.

Alya had on a dark green halter crop top, with white skinny jeans and black converse shoes. She had her brown/auburn hair up in a cute bun courtesy of Marinette.

Marinette was wearing a light blue tank top, with a white lily on it, paired with purple skinny jeans and pink coverse shoes.

She had her straight, midnight colored hair flowing down. Marinette slumped her shoulders and sighed loudly in annoyance, looking at her best friend sadly.

"Alya, I need to learn how to drive. My parents have taught me a few things, but I need a little more guidance. But they decided to go on vacation for a week, leaving me to figure this out myself. I'm so lame." She looked down sadly.

Ayla nodded slowly. "First of all, girl, you are not lame! And second of all, you know I would love to help you, but this evening I have an interview for my Ladyblog." She frowned.

Marinette sighed again and looked up at Alya. "I understand, Alya. I know your Ladyblog means a lot to you. I could never ask you to skip that for me."

Both girls turned around upon hearing voices coming up from behind them.

Just then, Alya saw a familiar head of dirty blonde hair, talking to his friend Nino. She had a good idea and smiled mischievously.

Marinette froze, realizing who was behind her, almost dropping her math textbooks in the process.

Alya quietly chuckled while Marinette sent her a glare. She steadied her textbooks in her hand.

"Dude, I hope you studied for the math test today. Did you prepare at all?" Nino asked, looking at his friend Adrien.

Nino wore a cool ACDC band shirt with his usual blue jeans and Nike high-top shoes.

"Yeah, I did." Adrien answered, "My father made me study until it was really late last night." He yawned and stretched. Adrien wore a jean jacket paired with a white tank top and his usual jeans and shoes.

Marinette had a dreamy look on her face.

Alya was talking to Mari but Mari was not paying attention since Adrien was nearby.

"Heeeeello, earth to Marinette." Alya said.

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry Alya I got...distracted."

Alya rolled her eyes good-naturely.

Yeah, Marinette was still big into Adrien Agreste and stuttered around him constantly.

However, she did become closer friends with him. Adrien understood that Mari is shy and a little socially awkward.

Yep, Sunshine Boy still doesn't know Marinette likes him. Big surprise, right?

"Marinette," Alya started and poked her. "I may not be able to help you, but you could always ask Adrien." She teased and pointed in his direction.

"A-A-A-drien?! Alya, are you serious?! I am a SUPER clumsy driver. Besides, what if I accidently get him into an accident? Then he would have to go to the hospital! I mean, I would visit him for sure, multiple times a day, bring him some soup, get well cards, check his temperature. Oh, wait, scratch that last part. But then, worst of all, he couldn't attend prom with me! Marinette rambled, covering her eyes.

"Marinette, this is your CHANCE girl, don't let it pass you by." Alya said supportively putting a hand on Mari's shoulder.

"You're right, Alya. What could go wrong?


Mari Learns to DriveWhere stories live. Discover now