Stay for a while longer

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-set during season 1-

Nya laid in bed. Not her bed. Not her brothers bed. Someone's bed that she would definitely get into trouble for being in. She turned over on her side to see someone else sleeping peacefully. It was Jay. He looked so peaceful she thought. Nya didn't think that she'd end up in his bed tonight but somehow she did.

It was cold in the monastery and all the others were out camping apart from Wu and one ninja who stayed behind. Sadly, Nya picked the short straw and had a room that had no heating. Yes she did have a room all by herself but it was freezing. Whenever she breathed out she could see a cloud in front of her lips. She hugged her body tightly and she still shivered. She had at least three blankets but they didn't even bother helping. She sighed and she knew that she should just give up her idea of sleeping tonight.

She walked into the hallway with all three of her blankets draped around her shoulder and still shivering like mad. She walked past the hallway mirrors to see her lips were fully blue and her skin was white as snow. She walked into the kitchen. It was a lot warmer but it still didn't even help making her feel more cosy. She reached into one of the cupboards the grab a hot coco mix. She put a mug of milk in the microwave and then mixed the powder in with the milk. She took a sip it started to burn her mouth but she didn't care it was warm. She placed the mug down on the counter and just stood leaning on the side for a few minutes.

"Uh Hey Nya."

She heard a voice come from behind her. She was too cold to even be frightened by it. She slowly turned around to see Jay stood at the door. He was wearing grey sweatpants and a blue dressing gown, obviously no top to show off his muscles he just gained from all the training the guys had been doing. All of them had started to do that. Nya wasn't phased they weren't trying to impress her apart from Jay and occasionally Cole but he's just a show off. Kai didn't like them all doing it though her thought it was too "inappropriate" for her to look at.

"Hey Jay." Her words came out barely a whisper.
"You okay you look like you're shivering?" He asked.
"I am so cold." She tried to laugh.
"Yeah you look it, have you not got heating in your room or something?" He said.
"Actually no" She responded.
"Ah, well all the guys are out and they probably won't mind if you take one of their beds for the night." He suggested.
"You got a point." She acknowledged.
"See look I am kinda smart." He grinned.

Nya loved that big cheeky grin he had. To her Jay was one of her best friends now, she had an instant connection with him, something that Kai has been "keeping his eye on" but she didn't mind she liked that she had someone else to be close with other than her brother.

"Uh okay you kinda zoned out there?" He put his hand on her shoulder but instantly took it back. "Oh my god you're freezing!"

He grabbed her hand and led him to the guys' bedroom. Nya was too cold to even process the change in her surroundings. He aided her too his bed.

"Thanks Jay but I can lay down by myself I'm cold not old." She joked.
"Well I don't want you getting frostbite" He laughed.

Nya tucked herself under the covers and got cosy. But hold on, who's bed was she actually in?

Jay then walked around to the other side and got in and laid next to her. It took Nya by surprise but she didn't mind. She hid her face in her hands to hide a blush appearing across her face.

yes she can admit she might've had a slight crush on him but nothing too serious. She could feel butterflies in her stomach going crazy and her heart was pounding out of a slight excitement. She could feel him shuffling to she turned around and faced him. She was slightly shorter than him so his lips were just facing his nose. Before she knew it she had a plan, should she cuddle up close to him?

For a few seconds they were just looking at each other and smiling but then she cuddled up close to his chest. She could hear him gasp which made her grin. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

Nya started to doze off. She listened to the sound of his heart beating which soothed her.

A few hours later she awoke again. It was raining heavily outside and was still dark. She thought to herself that she should probably go because if she falls back to sleep again and gets caught in the morning Kai would probably kill Jay. She turned around so her back was facing Jay. He still had his arms around her. She shuffled again so she laid on her back. She took a glance at Jay who was snoring.....really loudly. But it didn't bother her, she's walked past the room when ALL of the guys were in it and jesus it sounded like a lawn mower had been set off in there but Jay wasn't as bad.

She started to get up and return back to her ice cave before she felt her wrist being grabbed.

"Stay for a while longer"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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