Chapter 2 - To Fuel a Frenzy

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Elsewhere, Juno's tail ignited with this power flowing throughout her body. Steam followed as the pressure exerted from her. Spewing out flames it engulfed her body. Within this towering inferno she grew exponentially! The courageous Master bid farewell to her team and left in good faith they'd be able to handle the rest from here while she helped the Keiju.

Rushing through the sky she bounced off the clouds she created to gain height and more momentum. And of course, wishing to avoid all the buildings and people she could, while crushing all the enemy forces that were close enough. Some even tried to flee to no avail.

Her speed was greatly increased despite her massive size. One more high jump led to a cloud catapult that jettisoned her in Cetus' path. In the midst of the chaos, her energy was surging. With a fierce determination, she unleashed a barrage of orbs of intense energy swirling around the monster like a tempest! Each explosive sphere aimed at a different point with precision, creating a devastating onslaught that echoed the power and precision of a cosmic storm.

The ground shook as Cetus lifted barriers from the ground to help protect from this relentless barrage. They couldn't keep up and were broken apart by a few. Bouncing around her clouds she placed around Cetus she curled into a ball. A mighty kick landed into the back of his head shattering the thick pillar he tried putting up inbetween.

Cetus was sent flying with an extra kick off so Juno could land over to help the 3 wounded in front of her. Kreeg, Vora and Ren weren't in very good shape, but they managed to keep Cetus on the island this whole time. They were the last ones standing in this attack that weren't in the bunkers.

"Can you still fight?" asked Juno.

"We're still breathing aren't we?" Coughed Ren, the first one up out of the 3 of them. The oldest at that as well.

"That you are." Juno examined them, saddened to see how wounded they were. Now afraid she was asking for too much. Until they heard Cetus laughing as he lifted himself up.

"Is it bad I want to laugh louder and harder than Cetus to assert dominance?" Questioned Kreeg, he readied a battle stance and inhaled deeply. "Ya' know, for morale sake?"

Vora slapped the back of his head. "That'll just make him hit you with more prejudice!"

"Good! I can take it!"

With little warning, a great beam from the Siren Moon met the 4. Juno had managed to create a barricade of her energy. It pushed her back at first unprepared, until she got footing.

"Cassieo! You still with us!?"

"Yeah! It didn't like what I had to say to it. I think it's scared of what it learned from Sei, what we've run from to get here!" Juno could hear the chaos going on over there. Cassieo sound level headed, made sense from all the stories she'd tell over the years.

She rode on the backs of her rabbits who had tripled in size and viciousness. While the moon's "residents" flew, stacked, and piled themselves on each other to reach them. "I've identified a weak spot - heading there now. Hold on a little longer!" She opened up a Looking Glass wormhole, and flew through.. Those resembled starry light constructs of glass shards to put it lightly. .

She shot off a display of fireworks behind her that cut off her pursuers from them as they vanished. Finally Bastians team touched down at Sei. Everything was off now - no sign of forced entry. Bastian touched the surface walls of Sei, using his Vibe like a radar to identify anything that did not match it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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