Chapter 5

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I love him. Everything about him is perfect. He is so perfect that I'm jealous. Do I envy him? No, that's not possible.

He's my boyfriend. Why would I envy my own partner? I'm such a pathetic loser. A sore loser. A freaking disgrace.

Why am I even born into this world?

What does he see in me. . .?

. . .

* Warning: Some HOT SEXY stuff is going down in this chapter (First SPICY.. and now JUCIY?? If somebody asks me to define HOT SEXY. Im legit gonna be done with this *

. . .

– Max –

To be perfectly honest with you. I have no idea why I feel so.. sad. Well, the weather is cloudy. So I'm sure that's why I feel sad.

"I should be heading over to Bradley's dorm," I said to my two best friends as I got up. It was 4:56 and I didn't want to arrive too late to his room. Or else he'll probably kill me if I did.

"Alright, Max. Be safe! Don't let Uppercrust beat ur ass again," PJ shouted as I walked out of room. I'll make sure not to let my guard down.

I quickly ran out of the building and skated towards the Gamma house.

I have always loved skating. The breeze hitting on my face, and the usual adrenaline feeling whenever I did any crazy tricks on my skateboard and especially during a competition. Well, if the competition is really good for me to do all types of tricks. I should thank Bradley for giving me good competition. It was rather fun.

I got off of my skateboard and picked it up so I could climb up the few steps, and I rang the doorbell. I waited for a few minutes, but there was no response. Huh. I'm sure he said at 5. I rang the doorbell again, but this time, I heard someone yell, "The door is open!"

I blinked twice but shrugged. I opened the door and wow. It looks too fancy for my liking. What did I suspect from Bradley? Some rundown building?

I closed the door behind me and I walked in with my skateboard. I looked around the hallway. The building had two floors, so there was a staircase near the door. A living room, and there's a room with a pool table. Huh, I wonder if Bradley is good at playing it. I just allowed myself to wonder a bit, mostly looking for Bradley and the voice that I just heard a few seconds ago. I continued walking, and suddenly, I stopped. There was a dog in front of me. I wonder who's dog is this? I crouched down and used my free hand to pet it.

The dog barked and wagged its tail, and I chuckled. I scratched its cheek, I think, and scratched down when my fingers brushed something metal. I think it's the collar. I checked to see what's the dogs name was, and it was princess. It rather suits the dog. She does look like a princess. I assume that it was Bradley's dog. Judging how well she is being taken care of and it totally screams Bradley in so many ways. She could be a smaller version of Bradley. But in a different color.

She barked again and started running away from me. She ran to the stairs and I think she's telling me to follow her so I did. I went up the stairs and she was waiting for me until she ran to a room where the door had a small gap.

Huh, weird. I don't hear any sounds in that room. Why did she run in there?

I walked on over, and I slightly pushed the door a bit more so I could peak in, and I spotted her on someone's lap, and it was Bradley.

"Well, you are late."

I sighed and pushed the door wide open, "Sorry, I wanted to come sooner, I swear, but I kinda got distracted."

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