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The world didn't revolve around sex, drugs, and etc but at heartbreak high it certainly did. In her white tee, and pink skirt Leilani stood drinking a vodka cranberry with a thousand cares in the world but she wouldn't voice them.

Everything was good in life, exept the fact her aunt had found out from Ants mother about the currently being painted sex map in the old stairwell, which led to her aunt on a plane back to Australia at the moment.

to say she was scared wasn't even a stretch, she was pissing her pants. Her aunt was religious but not in a big way like Ants mother just the religious where you shouldn't have sex till marriage and etc.

so she stood drinking some but not all her problems away.

"ey you good?" Dusty asked the girl who stayed drinking her drink and scrolling through instagram.

"I think the fuck not" the girl muttered annoyed at the world, well mainly Amerie who she did feel sorry for but it did piss her off, if only she knew Harper also did the map.

"walk with me yea?" Dusty asked and the girl complied. Shoving her phone in her purse and setting down her cup she began walking by the teenage boys side.

"What's got you pissy?" Dusty asked the girl mildly concerned. "My aunts coming home as we speak, Ants mum called my aunt so alls not so well at home" Lei told him bored.
"What's wrong at home? if she isn't back yet.." Dusty asked, confused."Elijah is freaking out because she's back and doesn't know he's an eshay and shit" She told him, popping her neck.

"Well, think about it this way.." Dusty trailed off without saying anything. "I've got nothing" He told her awkwardly and the two started laughing. "but you've got this Lei you can always crash at mine if you need too" He told her with a smile and made his way towards different people.

"what the fuck" Lei said as she started choking on the water she just took a sip of nothing the wadia girl that just walked in.

"Okay let us make ammends" the girl whispered to herself, before making her way towards Amerie, Quinnie, and Darren.

"Hey guys, so glad you could make it" Lei said smiling. "Uh thanks?" Amerie said confused. "water?" the girl offered the new water that stood in her hands. "Oh no thank you, well thank you know did you know thank you in English towards people who speak d-" Quinnie started to say before being interrupted. "Quinnie babe I think she gets it" Darren said patting her back.

"it's a party, but I would love to hear more just chat with me at school yea?" Lei told her "Oh yea sure!" Quinnie replied happily.

"Hey cunt!" Malakai said as he made his way over "My names actually malakai by the way" he said to Amerie.

"Amerie." She introduced. "Yeah. That's been hard to miss." Malakai said and Leilani let out a small laugh.

"I feel like everyone is staring at me." Amerie whispered. "Um... No! No, they're staring at me. What are you talking about?" Malakai stated as he started dancing. "Come join me!" Malakai told the four who looked embarrassed but still joined him dancing.

"okayyyy, get it malakai" lei said laughing. "oh shit you can get down with it" Lei said as she started dancing with the four.

Quinnie had set off on a mission to confront Spider, with Darren and Amerie watching from the sidelines leaving Lei and Malakai still dancing they're asses off.

"oh you got moves!" Malakai told Lei as they continued dancing. The two were caught up in the fun too not feel the sets of eyes burning into them.

"hey malakai" the girl said softly, the boy hummed in response. "your a terrible dancer, but you've got great moves" the girl told him and he just chuckled lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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