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     it was seven in the morning, and Leilani was exited for school, to say the least. She woke up at five just to make sure she looked perfect.

      For the twentieth time, she looked at herself in her mirror. Her body held a White Floral Mini Dress with spaghetti straps and a cute little bow resting near her boobs

     She chose to throw own a pair of white flats and call it at that picking up her bag and phone she rushed outside to where Ca$h sat waiting on her.

    only advantage of being the sister of an Esshay was the protection, drugs, and free Uber.

      "What's up, Casshy baby?" She grinned, throwing herself in the front seat. "Ey new dress Lei" Ca$h asked, taking off.

      "Ey none ya business eshay." She laughed Ca$h joining in.


  "Ey Ca$h meet here at 310?" Lei asked the boy who was walking away. "Yea, don't be late or walk home," He shouted at her.

          "Hey guys," Lei said, jumping on Spiders back. "Ay get off me, you shithead," Spider said, trying to get her off.

    "No need to be an arse you insect." Leilani shot back, jumping off his back.

      "Hey Lans," Dusty said, pulling the girl into a side hug. "Dusty Baby," She said, giving back the hug.

     "Hey, an- MISSY BABY!" The girl was going to say hey to Ant but quickly disregarded him upon seeing her lifelong best friend other than Dusty and Ca$h.

     "LEI MY FIRST LADY!" She shouted back, running over to the girl and spinning her. "I haven't seen you in weeks," Missy said finally, stopped spinning the two.

      "Sorry bout that Tim's had his friends over a lot," Lei whispered to her.  "You need a place to stay till they bug off?" Missy asked her.

   "Ay nah its alright they'll bug off soon, promise" She promised Missy, who just smiled and hesitantly nodded.

"Plus, I've gotten ca$h with me all the time he's living with me if he isn't with his nan," Lei told her.

          "Oi! There's a fully-gacked sеx map in the old stairwell. It's called the Incest Map!" A redhead came shouting, and then everyone came following her into the stairwell.

      "What the fuck!" Leilani said staring at all the lines connected to her name. "Spider when did you fucking go down on me!" Leilani said loudly very confused.

    "What the fuck!" Spider yelled once he saw what the girl was talking about.

     "Oh yea no that wasn't you Spider I'm pretty sure it was Dusty or like one of you guys back in May" Leilani told him.

"Yea that was Dusty" She said now realizing. "Who the fuck is Malcom!" Leilani yelled. "I never fucked a dude named Malcom!" She said now more calm. 

         "Actually yeah no you totally did Missy and Me walked in on it" Dusty told her. "Oh" She hummed.

   "Oi come on! How did anyone know that Missy walked in on us! Missy swore on it she wouldn't tell" Leilani asked Dusty.     Who now looked guilty.

  "DUSTY GRIFFIN REID I WILL GUT YOU FROM THE INSIDE OUT" She screamed at the boy running away laughing.


       Once Woodsy had decided a proper assembly would be good too address the Incest Map.

      "You know it was probaly one of those haha club people they're always so sneaky or the av club they really know everything" Dusty told Lei, Ant, and Spider.

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