Part 6- Come back to me

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Till POV:

The door opened with a loud squeak making Till wince internally as he opened the hospital door. Till looked to the back of the room, noticing Hyuna standing near the window, his eyes scanned the rest of the room until they landed on the bed in the room. Till quickly walked into the room and over to the bed,

"Ivan" Till breathes out.

Till was so relieved he thought he could cry, he didn't know why he wanted to cry but he could feel his eyes sting as he tried to hold back tears.

Ivan laid in the bed, sleeping. Till would say he looked almost peaceful if it wasn't for the heart monitor next to him beeping. He looked over at the machine for a moment, watching the monitor spike and beep in a rhythm, Till quickly turned back to Ivan, touching his cheek with the back of his hand, warm. Till let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before. Till turned his hand over and cupped Ivans cheek, smiling slightly at the contact.

Till knew he was alive, and that made all his worries he's had for the past day suddenly disappear. He leaned over the bed, his head on Ivans chest, listening to Ivan's heartbeat in his chest, making him smile at how loud it was beating.

"Thank god..." Till let out more heavy breaths as he tried to calm his racing heart. Even here, lying in a hospital bed, Ivan looked beautiful. His face relaxed as his chest moved up and down, his hair messy and disheveled, covering his eyes slightly, his lips partially open showing off his snaggletooth as he slept, making Till's heart pound. The only words Till could describe how Ivan looked right now, beautiful.

Hyuna walked over to Till and looked down at Ivan,"He was fucked up bad, the surgeon said that the bullets were hard to find and he was bleed'n out. He might not wake up for a while, it could be days, weeks, months, but he will awake one day." Hyuna explained, making Till's jaw clench.

"You have no idea when he will wake up?" Mizi asks, startling Till as he didn't see her enter the room behind him, thinking she was still at the door.

Hyuna sighs and shakes her head slowly, making Mizi and Till wear matching frowns. Till didn't want to wait forever for Ivan to wake up, he wanted him awake now so he could see his stupid smile with his adorably stupid snaggletooth poking out from his lips. Till missed Ivan, even if he hasn't really talked or looked at Ivan since they were kids, he missed him terribly.

When he wakes up, what would Ivan think of him after everything that's happened? After he ignored him for years, yelled and hit him when he was mad at him... would he even want to be around him? The thought of Ivan not wanting him around makes him want to crawl into a hole and lay there for the rest of eternity.

He rids his mind from these thoughts, of course Ivan would want him around! Ivan risked his life for him, took three bullets for him less than two days ago! There's no way Ivan won't want him around, but a part of Till's mind that can't stop thinking of the worst case scenario.

Till realizes he's been spacing out looking at Ivan, he looks up and notices no one is in the room. Till lets out a sigh and bends down over Ivan again, not remebering when he sat up.

"Please... wake up soon Ivan, I miss you" Till whispers as he gets closer to Ivan, before kissing his forehead.

Till doesn't even realize he did it until after he pulls away from Ivans face. His face now a bright crimson, Till exits the room hastily, going to find Mizi and Hyuna.


Its been awhile hasn't it...
Sorry about not updating, I've had a lot going on with school and my homelife, i'll just name a few things so ya'll get the jist 😭

I'm still grounded over a bad grade, finals, got a job, almost got hit by a bus, mental health, friend drama, the list could go on 😭
So sorry about how late this update was and I hope it was worth the wait!

Also thank you for 1K reads!!! Thank you all so much for the support!!!❤❤
I'll keep writing whenever I can! See you in the next chapter!

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