The End

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The sun crept in through the curtains, painting the entire room a warm and inviting orange. It was early fall, and the leaves were turning orange and brown. Bakugou sat in bed, reading a book and drinking a tea. It was his only day off of the month. The number two hero had to work overtime in order to get it approved. But he could never miss today. It was a special occasion, after all. He made himself a quick breakfast and sat down at the kitchen counter. He really didnt enjoy eating breakfast, he thought it was overrated, but he knew he had to get nutrients in his system in order to stay healthy.

Kirishima always woke up later than him. Which was fine, especially on a day like today. Bakugou had been planning for over three months, he needed to make sure it was perfect. He had waited five years after Kirishima's rescue for this. Bakugou put the redhead over everything priority wise. He wanted to ensure that his boyfriend's mental state was fully recovered before asking him to commit to marriage.

The redhead stumbled out of their bedroom yawning, and blindly reaching his hands out for Bakugou. The blonde would usually scoff at this and make a joke about how stupid Kirishima looked, but not today. He was far too happy. And extremely anxious. Kirishima made himself a small breakfast and joined Bakugou at the table. The two sat in a comfortable silence like they did every morning.

Kirishima had to undergo intense training, questioning, and therapy before they let him continue his hero work. The process was hard and it took a big toll on the redhead. When he first re-debuted, there was a massive outcry about how Kirishima had been corrupted and was no longer fit to be a hero. Society didn't trust him and it was hard for citizens to trust Red Riot to stop even small robberies. It was only when Kirishima carried multiple people out of a burning building that Japan understood he was truly a good man, and a great hero. He had run back into the inferno five separate times in an effort to make sure he had gotten everyone out. The last trip he came out with two small children, one on each shoulder. He found the kids' parents and then passed out on the ground, likely due to the smoke inhalation. He was only in the hospital for three days, but in those three days every news story was about him. He quickly got back in action and rose to become the number three hero, following behind his boyfriend Dynamight and his highschool friend Deku.

Bakugou made the relationship public almost immediately as well. While he did worry for his boyfriend's safety and feared villains would use Kirishima to get him, he smirked at the thought of petty villains thinking they could take on pro hero Red Riot. The two founded a joint agency after Red Riot's success, and they continued to shine in the hero industry.

The couple's usual routine would be to go to the gym early in the morning, but Bakugou wanted the day to be for Kirishima. So, instead of working hard and pushing themselves to lift more weights (which Kirishima was already more than excelling at) Bakugou made Kirishima cuddle with him on the couch and watch a movie. Kirishima smiled at Bakugou and pulled him in for a sweet kiss.

"Who knew pro hero Dynamight was such a sap?" Kirishima pulled Bakugou in again and again.

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you," Bakugou joked in between kisses.


"Can you tell me where we're going? I don't like surprises!" Kirishima whined.

Bakugou ordered their chauffeur to remain silent during the car ride because he knew the red head could get any information out of anyone if he whined enough. Bakugou shushed Kirishima.

"Just be patient. You're acting like a spoiled child."

He was taking them to the site of their first hike, one they took together when they were only 15. Kirishima had regained full memories of his pre-villain days, so he was able to understand the sentiment and even relieve the memories of his UA days. The car parked, and Bakugou held his hand out for Kirishima. The man remained a giant, but he was always the total opposite of his stature around Bakugou, and thats what he loved about him so much. Kirishima smiled brightly as he looked around.

"Aw! You are a sap Katsuki I knew it!"

The two walked up the trail. What was hard for them to complete in their highschool days was now a breeze. It was fun to think about how far they had really come. The sun was setting just as they reached the top, and Bakugou smiled. This plan was perfect.

Kirishima was taking in the light when Bakugou got down on his knees and cleared his throat. Kirishima turned and gasped, but he didn't respond right away. In Bakugou's head, he thought it would be an immediate yes. Oh well, he had planned a speech.


"Shut the fuck up!"

Bakugou flinched back and raised an eyebrow. Had he misread? Was this not what Kirishima wanted? He thought this was where they were headed. All the planning, all the hints, all the-

Kirishima pulled a small ring box out of his own pocket.

"You fucking bitch!" The redhead exclaimed.

Bakugou sighed in relief and looked up at his soon to be husband, who had the stupidest grin on his face.

"I convinced you to take off today because I wanted to propose and you stole my thunder?" Kirishima pulled Bakugou up into a kiss.

"I do," the men said in unison. Kirishima slipped Bakugou's ring onto his finger, and Bakugou did the same while the Kirishima chuckled and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"So. Katsuki Kirishima?" Kirishima smiled brightly.

"You wish. Eijiro Bakugou."

"Spar for it? Winner has the ultimate last name?"

"You're on."

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