"I wish you were a girl." ♧

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!!TW!! drinking, internalized homophobia, f-slur

Bradleys POV

Maximilian Goof. He's all I can think about. I hate it. After everything that has happened so far, I still want him. He makes my heart race. He makes my face and ears burn and makes me want to vomit and cry but he also makes me want to kiss his stupid face and play with his hair. I hate it. I wish he didn't make me feel this way. He isn't a girl. I shouldn't be with him and I shouldn't want to be. I like girls. I stared at the ceiling of my room in the gamma house. I got up and walked to the bathroom, I tugged at my own hair slightly. I got into the bathroom and I looked at the bruise that Max's dad had left on my face. It just kept getting worse day after day but I just tried ignoring it. God I look like shit. My eyes were red from crying and drinking and I looked malnourished. I haven't come out of my room in a day and a half because I don't want to face Tank and everyone else because then I'll be faced with my problems and I'm not supposed to have problems. But I did and I hated myself for it. My problems are so bad I was almost expelled and my father found out and he convinced the school to not expel me or kick me out of the gamma house. I know all he had to do was flash a few hundred dollar bills and everything would be a-okay. I washed my face and groaned when my fingers brushed against the huge bruise. I brushed my teeth and changed quickly so I would be able to leave for some coffee before going to classes. I grabbed some things, put them in my bag and headed out.

I made my way to that coffee shop that little miss mochachino always stayed at or like, worked at I don't know and I don't care. I walked in, ordered, and sat down. I saw her on the stage talking with Max's friend. I think his name is Dj or Tj. She's pretty.. right? Yea. Of course she is. Her hair is pretty, she has a nice figure and the way she speaks makes me feel things. I think, or at least I want it to. I could date her. Of course I could! I'm Bradley Uppercrust The Third. I can't believe I say that like I matter. But I could date her. That's the point. I could and I would and I should.

My order was called and I got it and walked out to attend my classes. The day passed quickly and I didn't pay attention to anything at all; except him. When I had a class with him I just stared. God im so fucking pathetic. I couldn't take my eyes off him and all I could think about was how everything could be so different if he could just be a girl. He should be a girl. Maybe then I wouldn't feel this shitty. I thought about this more as I walked nowhere in particular. I had overheard some students talking about a party. I thought it would be a good idea to go. I headed back to the gamma house, avoided everyone, and went to my room. I picked up a bottle of cheap liquor and took a long sip when I entered my room. I layed down and fell asleep. 

Max's POV

Pj, Rob and I were headed to a party somewhere on campus and it wouldn't be hard to find since, you know, it's a party, so we didn't bother with the address. We walked a while and we found the party and we just headed in and as soon as we did I grabbed the closest beer can and I chugged it before throwing it onto the floor and crushing it with my foot. I had worked so hard all semester and I just needed to drink and have some fun. “Hey, Max!” This black haired girl walked up to me. 

“Oh uhm, sorry do I know you..?” I laughed a little, I didn't want to sound rude or anything. “Oh my god no, sorry I probably sound crazy or something..! It's just, I saw you during the X games and I just thought you were really cute and I wanted to say hi!” 

She fiddled with the beer can in her hands while she looked at me, waiting for a response. “Thanks! Uhm.. I think you're pretty cute too..!” God I sound so pathetic! I wish I could just talk to boys properly. Wait, no, girls. I wish I could talk to girls properly. She giggled and smiled “Hey, do you wanna go upstairs with me..?” My mind blanked so quickly I couldn't even process the question! “Uhm.. sorry, I'm not in the mood.. for.. that..” She stared daggers at me, scoffed and walked off. I saw a sofa and just threw myself into it. I found another can and sipped it slowly. I was just fine until I saw Bradely Uppercrust the Third. God he's hot even if he looks like he's already shit faced and homeless.. is that a bad thought to have?? Probably. Do I care? No. Not one bit. He's an asshole. I know he is! He's narcissistic and self centered and any other word that would describe someone who loves themselves too much, is what he is. He isn't a good person at all but he makes me want to take the chance and I know that's not a good thing.. I don't care. Because I'm never going to talk to him again. But I watched as he got 3 cans of beer and walked off into another room. I got up and sorta followed him around.. I didn't want to but I was kind of worried..! Yea, that's my defense. I hate him but I'm worried about his well-being. I watched him stumble into the laundry room and he fell. I hate to admit it, but I rushed over. 

Bradleys POV

I stumbled into the laundry room and I fell on my fucking face. How great. I couldn't stand straight and I felt a pair of hands pull me up. I saw Max and he tried telling me things but I didn't hear it and I leaned in and kissed him. I kissed him. My head spun and I moved away quickly, I pushed him back too. “What the fuck Bradley??” 

“I hate you.” That's what came out of my mouth and it felt bitter sweet like it was what I should be saying but it's not how I felt at all. “Fuck. I wish you were a girl..” I looked down at him and he stared at me; shocked. I'm a freak. I'm a faggot. That's what I know I am and that's probably what he's thinking too. He didn't speak. I didn't want him too. I stumbled out of the house and he didn't even follow me and the worst part, I wanted him to. I need him too. I needed to know he wanted me and that I didn't just make an utter, complete fool of myself. He didn't. He didn't follow. He didn't dare attempt it because then he would just be a bigger fool than me. I got to the gamma house. Slammed the door open and went to my room. I threw myself onto the bed and took a long swig of liquor. I kicked my shoes off and after finishing the bottle I crawled to the bathroom, vomited, rinsed out my mouth and took off all my clothes except my boxers and I went to bed. I cried. I cried so hard I felt like I was being punished for existing. I was being punished because of my feelings. I was being punished because of him. I was being punished because I LOVED him.

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