Chapter Two: The Concert

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It had been a few days since I last saw the mysterious boy by the Han River, and I found myself wondering why I was so fixated on him. Pushing the thought aside, I got out of bed with excitement bubbling within me—tomorrow was the day of the concert. The day I would finally see BTS live. I needed the perfect outfit for this once-in-a-lifetime event.

After getting ready, I headed out to shop. As I wandered through the bustling streets of Seoul, a dress in a shop window caught my eye. It was an elegant, knee-length dress in a beautiful shade of lilac, perfect for the occasion. I paired it with a light baby pink neck scarf and found a pair of matching shoes. The shoes had delicate laces that wrapped around my legs, and the heels were just the right height for comfort. To complete the look, I picked up a small pouch to hang around my shoulder. Satisfied with my purchases, I headed back to my hotel to prepare everything in advance.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of Jungkook's voice as my alarm. After freshening up, I spent some time doing random things to calm my nerves before finally getting ready an hour before heading to the concert hall.

When I arrived at the concert hall, it was already flooded with ARMYs from all around the world. I felt a mix of nervousness and excitement. We entered the venue, and I found myself in the front row, the stage so close I could practically reach out and touch it. The anticipation was electric. The show started with a burst of fireworks, and the members appeared on stage. The first song was "Dynamite," and I could hardly contain my joy as I watched each member perform up close.

Jimin was the first to come towards my side. He smiled and waved, his energy infectious. Throughout the concert, I had brief interactions with all the members except Taehyung, who hadn't come to my side yet. As the encore began with "Spring Day," my emotions overwhelmed me. Seeing BTS so close, hearing the song that had been a source of comfort, I couldn't hold back my tears.

Then, as if the universe had heard my unspoken wish, Taehyung came closer to my side. He was singing, and when he saw me crying, he gestured for me not to cry. His gentle expression only made my tears flow harder. I had this wild impulse to jump on stage and hug them all. Just as I was lost in these thoughts, Taehyung jumped down from the stage and walked towards me. He offered me his hand and signaled the security to bring me on stage.

I was in shock as the security helped me up. The crowd erupted in cheers and screams as Taehyung led me to the center of the stage. The members gathered around me, hugging me while I cried tears of joy. It was an unbelievable moment—I was on stage with BTS, my idols, who were now singing to me, hugging me. It was a day I knew I would never forget.

As the song ended, I waved goodbye to the members, and a security guard escorted me backstage. They asked me to wait, and I couldn't understand why. I was nervous, my heart racing as I sat there. Soon, the song ended, and the boys came backstage, hurrying to change and take a break. I was seated quietly when someone stopped in front of me. I looked up and found myself staring into the eyes of Taehyung.

He smiled gently, and I was at a loss for words. Here he was, the person who had unknowingly helped me through my darkest days, standing right in front of me. My heart pounded as I wondered what he would say next.

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