angst is brewing

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Ludwig: Kooky
Roy: Bully
Wendy: Kootie Pie
Iggy: Hop
Lemmy: Hip
Morton: Big Mouth
Larry: Cheatsy
Bowser Junior: BowserJ

Hop: there is no escape from destiny

Hop: thats when the wolves came along...

Bully: what

Kootie Pie: dont even bother questioning Iggy anymore Roy

Hop: zombies 2

Cheatsy: what

Hop: banger film



Kootie Pie: whys it called zombies then if it has warewolfs?

Cheatsy: dont ask me im not walt disney

BowserJ: guys i need help :(((

Kootie Pie: what is it??

BowserJ: Ludwig yelled at me

BowserJ: Whys he so mad at me??

Kootie Pie: what did he say???

BowserJ: I asked him if he was okay because he seemed sad but then he yelled at me saying that im just a child and wouldnt get it and that i needed to stop bothering him

BowserJ: and now i cant stop crying

BowserJ: what did i do wrong? :((

Kootie Pie: you did nothing wrong Junior

Kootie Pie: I'll talk to him

Bully: wtf is he thinking yelling at Junior

Bully: Ludwig has gone too far

Kootie Pie: here i'll make a separate chat to talk to him

Kootie Pie: if i try in person then he'll probably yell at me too

Kootie Pie created a new chat called 'wtf ludwig'

Kootie Pie added Bully and Kooky

Kootie Pie: Ludwig wtf were you thinking at yelling at Junior??

Bully: yeah thats too far man

Kooky: can you just leave me alone

Kooky: also why do you even care Roy?

Bully: i actually care about my siblings

Bully: even tho it doesnt seem like it sometimes

Bully: except you

Kooky: wow 

Bully: well why would i care for you when you yell at our youngest sibling so much that it made him cry??

Kooky: are we ignoring when you told Junior that santa wasnt real?

Bully: dont change the subject

Bully: that isnt as serious as this

Kooky: im not talking about this

Kootie Pie: no you WILL talk about this

Kootie Pie: Junior was just being nice to you

Kootie Pie: and you yell at him

Kootie Pie: youve literally said hes your favourite sibling so why would you do this?

Kooky: ...

Kooky: i just needed some time alone

Kooky: and im not saying why

Kooky: im NOT airing out my problems

Kooky: so just leave me alone

Bully: why are you being so annoying

Kootie Pie: yk what?

Kootie Pie: idc if you yell at me we need to talk in person

Kootie Pie: you coming Roy?

Bully: yep

Kooky: im not letting you into my room

Kootie Pie: ill tell dad what you said to Junior if you dont let us in

Kooky: ...fine

lmao cliffhanger im sorry

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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