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Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well. I'm excited to share an update—I have successfully completed my exams! By the way, I would greatly appreciate it if you could suggest some face claims for Adrain and Meera.


the wedding of Luis and Elena, Adrain bid farewell to Madrid and departed from the city.

Third pov:

(After three years)

Time flew by without waiting for anyone, and everything kept moving forward. The Venkatesan family suddenly went back to India, closing all their businesses here. Kumaran and the others tied to him were stunned by this and couldn't get in touch with him. They also found out that Venkatesan had sold his Indian restaurant to someone else, and now the restaurant building had been turned into a freezer godown!

Javier along with VSP continued to operate under the radar, growing his business in the shadows. He never saw VSP in person, He'd gathered a significant following but knew better than to mess with Adrian directly. After all, Adrian had crushed Javier's legitimate business in Madrid, leaving him with nothing to show for it. For now, Javier bided his time, plotting his revenge against Adrian from the darkness.

Camila, on the other hand, remained trapped in her life with Javier. Nothing dramatic had transpired for her. She was still with Javier, their son Jose now eight years old, and their daughter Alba three years. Camila lived solely for her children, with no escape from Javier's clutches in sight, lets see how life unfold for her!

After their fairytale wedding, Luis and Elena set sail for a new life in Madrid. There, Luis seamlessly transitioned into helping his father with the family business, all while staying connected with his close friend, Adrian.

Meanwhile, distance only seemed to strengthen the bond between Adrian and Meera. Though miles apart, separated by the vast Atlantic Ocean, their love continued to blossom. However, navigating their relationship across time zones presented a unique challenge. Madrid, Spain is six hours ahead of Burlington, Vermont. This meant that when Meera was checking her morning emails in Burlington at 8:00 AM, Adrian would be enjoying a leisurely lunch in Madrid at 2:00 PM!

Meera graduated and, instead of hitting the job market, decided to join forces with her dad, Kumaran. His import/export business wasn't a huge operation. But that didn't mean it wasn't interesting! Meera, with her super-absorbent brain, learned the ropes fast under Kumaran's watchful eye.

International trade can get complicated, but Meera figured out the basics in no time. She learned the tricks of the trade, like how to handle those fancy letters of credit and deal with customs without any headaches. She even figured out the shipping stuff,  She mastered the basics - dealing with clients, figuring out how to get products overseas safely, and most importantly, keeping track of their money. This meant handling invoices, payments, and those weird currency changes. Meera even learned how to spot potential problems before they became a big issue. Kumaran, seeing his daughter ace everything, was one proud dad.

Naveen, was in his final year of business management, just like his brainy sis. Despite being on the same path, they still squabbled like siblings do. Meanwhile, their cousin Dharshan had a love story for the books! He tied the knot with Payal from Delhi.

Thanu officially became a doctor – a gynecologist, no less! That's Dr. Thanu now, ready to deliver babies and empower women!

Now, back to Meera. Long distance couldn't dehydrate her love life with Adrian. The time difference between Burlington and Madrid was a hurdle, but they made it work. Sometimes, Adrian would call her at midnight in Spain, which would be a sweet 6:00 PM for Meera in Vermont. And guess what? Even though Meera seemed like a total boss at work, handling her dad's import/export business, Adrian still had the magic touch. His teasing calls never failed to make her blush and turn into a giggling mess.

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