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(Sooo we all know what happened previously, unless you skipped that chapter or smth, a brand new love interest is being introduced, Giyuu Tomioka! What will Doma do to save his chances with Shinobu before it's to late...?)

"Oh my, Tomioka-San, you should warn me instead of scaring me like that!" Shinobu sighed, looking up at Giyuu with a closed eyed smile, "My apologies, Shinobu-San, I just wanted to talk to you for a minute of tour time, if you don't mind." Shinobu's eyes lit up and she clasped her hands together at her chest, "Of course, Tomioka-San! I don't mind at all!" "Great, follow me, I want to talk to you in private." He said flatly, turning and starting to walk away, thinking Shinobu would just follow. "My my, Tomioka-San, you would think you were leading me to a private place to kill me with how solemn you are!" She giggled behind him, scurrying after him down the hall. "Just follow me." The two marched down the hall in silence after that, it seemed Tomioka didn't want to talk much on the way there, but then again, when does he really WANT to talk? Shinobu had always had a crush on Giyuu, but it seemed like he didn't reciprocate those feelings so she kept it to herself. But now, perhaps today was the day she finally confessed her feelings to Giyuu! Just the thought of it sent a flurry of butterflies around her stomach and made her heart flutter. Doma, who had been standing at the top of the staircase listening, felt a surge of panic go through him and he quickly decided to follow them to see what Giyuu Tomioka wanted to talk about. My Shinobu-Chan, what if he steals away my Shinobu-Chan!? Oh, I don't believe I'd be able to handle it if my beautiful Shinobu-Chan were to be taken away by Giyuu Tomioka, or anyone else for that matter! He thought, quietly following them down the hallway until they stopped in front of the gymnasium and walked inside, allowing the big wooden double doors to slam behind them. Oh no!! I, I can't see them! I need to get in there, but how? He glanced up and down the hallway in a sudden panic, until he noticed the back door to Tomiokas office. His office leads right to the gymnasium, he thought, so I'll be able to hear their conversation without them noticing! Perfect! He quickly ran to the door, casting a glabce up and down the hall before slipping inside, peering around to make sure they werent in there to see him and sneaking up to the window to look into the gymnasium. Doma strained his ears to listen, it was kinda difficult to hear, but he could still understand what they were saying. "Alright, Tomioka-San, now that you've brought me here, tell me what's on your mind!" Shinobu exclaimed, seated beside Tomioka on bottom row of the bleachers. "Shinobu," he started, turning his cold gaze down to the shirt woman beside him, "I apologize, for treating you the way I did, I was cold and uncaring, I just felt I needed to say that first." Shinobu was taken aback by Giyuus sudden change of heart, but in a good way, definitely a nice surprise. "Oh! Well, you are forgiven, I deserved it at least a little for rubbing it in your face you had no friends." Shinobu giggled, folding her hands neatly in her lap, not realizing Tomioka was leaning closer to her until their faces were mere inches apart, an unemotional and cold look on Giyuus face while Shinobu's face turned a vibrant shade of red. "T-T-Tomioka!" She exclaimed, accidently stuttering in the process. Nononononono!! What is Tomioka doing!? No, Shinobu-Chan, push him away!! Doma thought, panicking more and more the more time went by while they just sat there like that. "Shinobu-San, if you don't mind me saying, I really like you, and I was wondering if... You'd like to go out with me..? Maybe, this Saturday, if your free..?" Shinobu's heart rate quickened till it felt like her heart would beat out of her chest, and it became almost difficult to breathe, Tomioka-San is, asking me out!? On a date!? My my! I have been waiting for this moment to come for so long, and now, it's here! It's just... Why doesn't this feel right..? "Oh my, well, yes! Id love to! And yes, I'm free this Saturday, at 4:30PM, if your free then to?" She quickly agreed, hiding how excited she was and managing to keep that pesky stutter out of her voice. "Yeah, sounds great. See you then, Shinobu-San." Tomioka stared into her eyes for a moment longer, before cupping her soft cheek with his hand and tilting his head to the side, pressing a gentle kiss on her lips. NO! This CANT be happening! My Shinobu-Chan, agreed to a date with Tomioka-San!? And now... He's kissing her? Oh my, he thought, his vision blurring over with unshed tears and his hand lifting to his aching chest, what is this feeling? This horrible, awful, feeling..? Shinobu squeaked in surprise and started wide eyed at Tomiokas face, before relaxing into the kiss, tilting her head to the side and kissing him back. Oh my!! Tomioka-San is kissing me!! How.. shocking, yet wonderful! His lips are so... chapped? My my, does this man need chapstick! Oh well, I'm FINALLY sharing such a close moment with Tomioka-San, this is.. well, wonderful! But.. why does this feel.. wrong? This doesn't feel so.. right. Shinobu brushed off the feeling as just her insecurities and closed her eyes, trying to lose herself in the moment. She's... Kissing him back..? This feeling in my chest, it feels so horrible... Doma thought, taking a fistful of his shirt that covered his chest, is this.. what emotions feel like? Cause if so, I'm not so sure I want them anymore.. its like someone's grabbing my heart, and squeezing so painfully.... Shinobu-Chan, why..? Tomioka-San.. this is Tomioka's fault... If only that wretched man hadn't been born.... Doma hurriedly left, deciding not to blame Shinobu for this, but Tomioka, after all, he was the one who initiated this....

Om goodness! This is possibly the loooongest chapter I've published! Sorry for how long it is, I'll make the note short, here's your question! If you could change one thing that happened in demon slayer, what would it be? Thank you for all the support and reads, and onto the next chapter!..... The art above is not mine, btw, I can only draw stick figures 😭🙃

Love Hate Relationship (Doma X Shinobu Modern AU) On Hiatus Where stories live. Discover now