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Author's Pov

As jeia stumbled forward He caught her swiftly, his hands firm yet efficient.His eyes staring down at her. She looked up, her heart racing, only to meet his gaze. His dark brown orbs were cold, and looked dangerous, devoid of any warmth or emotion.

"Careful," he said, his voice flat and monotone. Jeia nodded and quickly straightened up feeling embarrassed and awkward

Jeia, what are you doing here?" Principal Sharma's voice broke the tense silence,
her mind racing to find an excuse.

"A-ah, yes, sir. Actually, I had some work with Verma ma'am, and the peon uncle told me she came to your office, so I was waiting outside."

Aarav's glare bore into her, clearly unconvinced by her flimsy explanation.

"No, she is not here," the principal said, his voice firm. Jeia felt a wave of relief wash over her; at least he seemed to believe her.

The three of them stepped out of the office. Seizing the moment, Jeia tried to make a quick escape, but Aarav's sharp voice halted her.


Jeia cursed under her breath, turning back to him with a forced, pleasant smile. "You were eavesdropping again, weren't you? Damn woman, don't you have any other work?" Aarav's taunt was sharp.

"Eavesdropping? No, why would I? The peon uncle said Verma ma'am was here," she replied, her voice hesitant slightly.
The man stared at them in disbelief

"FYI, Miss Jeia Parmar, Verma ma'am is absent today. You are a terrible liar, aren't you?" Aarav retorted, his eyes narrowing.

"Okay, fine. I actually came here to greet your brother. Oh, hello, uh, Singhania bhaiyya,"(brother) she said hurriedly, trying to shift the focus.

"It's Vihaan," the man who had been silent until now finally spoke, his voice edged with irritation at their childish bickering.

"Hello, Vihaan bhaiyya Jeia here," she repeated quickly with a smile, feeling the heat of Aarav's glare. Before he could say anything more, she added hastily, "Bye, bhaiyya," and darted away, her heart pounding as she made her escape.

Aarav bid good bye to his Vihaan bhaiyya and went to his class

Vihaan Singhania's stride towards his awaiting car commanded the attention of onlookers, their heads turned in unison to catch a glimpse of the man whose presence seemed to radiate an undeniable magnetism.A captivating aura enveloped him, an intangible force that drew people's gazes like moths to a flame. Whispers fluttered among the crowd, particularly from admiring females who couldn't help but fangirl over his irresistible chiseled features.A hot man in his 30s with a honey skin tone exudes a mature and sophisticated allure. His warm, golden-brown complexion enhances his striking features, creating a captivating contrast with his cold, dark eyes. Dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit,it hugged his toned physique, accentuating every muscle beneath the fabric. His impeccably styled hair, not a strand out of place, further elevated his appearance, a Greek God for real.It looked as if he had been plucked straight from the pages of a fashion magazine.In that moment, one couldn't help but wonder if the modeling industry had missed out on a potential icon.As he gracefully entered his luxurious black car, the engine purred to life at the command of his driver, a silent testament to the power and prestige that accompanied Vihaan Singhania wherever he went.

To be continued

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Also what do you think about The Great Vihaan Singhania😋??

A/n :- he is daddy material 🫠

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