The beginning.

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Gwen was a little girl that was neglected. Her parents thought she was too 'weird' to consider as their child. Gwen tried making friends in elementary, but they thought she looked too 'creepy'. When she was 11, her mother gave birth to her little brother, Tom. She watched her parents smile at him. Jealousy. Jealousy got to her. As time passed, her hatred for her little brother grew. He got more gifts, he was showered with attention.

Gwen had enough. She grabbed a pair of scissors and slashed a scar on Tom's cheek. Her father caught her and isolated her from them.

Her guilt overtook her. Tom did no wrong, all he ever did was try to make Gwen happy.

As she sat in the corner of her small dark room, she started seeing things that werent there.

When she turned 16, she considered telling her parents about her situation.

"Mom, Dad. I-i have something to tell you."

She started off easy, she took a deep breath and sighed. She explained to her parents that she started seeing things and that she never meant to hurt Tom.

"You're just being paranoid sweetie, maybe try going to therapy."

"I agree with your mother, and you should apologise to Tom, not us."

Gwen nodded slowly and looked at the corner of her eye. There he was, a deep cut can be seen on his left cheek. He was holding something similar to a scissor. His eyes glaring daggers at her.

"T-tom, i-im sorry."


"GWEN! are you even listening to me?!"

Gwen snapped back to reality and anxiously looked around. She let out a shaky sigh.

"Yes, i am. Courtney." She rubbed her temples, frustrated.

Courtney sighed and placed a reassuring hand onto Gwen's shoulder. Gwen looked down and quietly sobbed. Courtney sat next to Gwen and let Gwen rest her head onto Courtney's shoulder, she reassured Gwen that everythings gonna be alright.



Gwen's mother shouted and held tom close.

Gwen widened her eyes in shock. She dropped the broken glass she was holding tightly and looked at her hands, shaking. She took a deep breath and let out a shaky sigh. Gwen carefully approached her mother.

"STAY AWAY! S-STAY AWAY!!!" Her mother pleaded, her eyes filled with tears. She held tom to her chest and sobbed.

Gwen took a step back and looked at her bloody hands once more, then back to a bleeding Tom and her crying mother.

"I-im sorry..i-i thought-" Gwen tried to explain but her mother shushed her and kept praying that Tom would be okay.

"WHAT DID YOU DO GWEN!" Her father slapped her, hard. He grabbed his phone and called an ambulance.

Gwen shakily placed her hand onto her cheek that her father hit. She teared up and hid in her room.


"Are you okay?"

Gwen looked up to see the ravenette hanging from the ceiling. She cheekily smiled and wiped Gwen's tear away.

"I know you're not real."

Heather rolled her eyes at Gwen's remark. Gwen noticed Heather's annoyed expression and smirked in amusement.

"You should visit them, Gwen." Heather insisted and gestured to Gwen's door.

"Who? Tom?" Gwen asked and stood up. She leaned on her door and crossed her arms.

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