Is it just a dream?

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Gwen slowly opened her eyes only to see the ravenette deviously grinning at her. She jolted awake and buried her face in her hands. She groaned and lifted her head and saw that the ravenette was gone. She looked at her side and saw Cody still sleeping. She yawned and stretched. She lazily went to her bathroom and glared at her own reflection.

Gwen narrowed her eyes and washed her face. She sighed and wiped her face dry. She saw the blade on the sink and noticed it still has blood on it.

"Its..been awhile since i used this."

Gwen spoke to herself and grabbed the blade. She cleaned it and placed it in one of the cabinets.

She grabbed a towel and showered. She closed her eyes shut, she let out a shaky sigh then turned the water off.

"Hey Gwen-"

Cody widened his eyes in shock and quickly looked away. He apologized and left the bathroom.

Gwen raised a brow and shrugged. She put the towel on her head and put on some clothes.

After that, she exited the bathroom and plopped onto the bed. The ravenette popped out of the dark corner and sneakily made her way to Gwen's bed.

"Um, Gwen? Can i use your bathroom?"

Cody blushed and smiled shyly.

Gwen nodded and turned to her side only to be met by Heather. She raised a brow and smirked in amusement.

"My nail polish ran out."

Heather frowned and did puppy eyes to persuade Gwen into buying her a new one.


Gwen rubbed her temples frustrated and sighed. She gave in and grabbed her phone.

"Im calling Courtney to watch over you."

Heather's jaw dropped and threw tantrums like a little girl she once was.

"Im not a baby!"

Gwen rolled her eyes in annoyance and called Courtney to come over.

'Knock knock'

Gwen lazily went to the living room and opened the door. And there she was, standing behind Courtney. Gwen blushed and smiled shyly.

"H-hey Lindsay."

Lindsay smiled sweetly and waved hello. Courtney rolled her eyes and pushed Gwen out of the way. Lindsay followed.

"Wheres Heather?"

Gwen couldnt keep her eyes off Lindsay and carelessly pointed to her bedroom.

"Nice to meet you, Gwen!"

Lindsay smiled shyly and quickly followed Courtney.

Gwen shook her head and finally remembered why those two are here. But she only called Courtney.

"Alright Heather, you better behave while im gone. Dont give Courtney a hard time."

Gwen snickered and elbowed Cody playfully. Cody chuckled and rubbed his arm.

"Where are you guys going again?"

Courtney raised a brow at Gwen. And sat next to Heather.

"I need to buy nail polish for Heather."

Gwen glared at the ravenette and crossed her arms.

When Lindsay heard the word 'nail polish' she squeeled and linked arms with Gwen.

"Oh! Can i go? Please!!"

Lindsay pleaded and hugged Gwen tightly.

Gwen tensed and blushed. She shyly smiled and nodded quickly. The ravenette scoffed and scooted closer to Courtney. Courtney noticed her gesture and smiled warmly. She placed a hand onto Heather's shoulder which made the ravenette look at her with wide eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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