( 2 ) Transfer & Bet

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Yes I bet

Sometime later

Suga give me your car keys jhope said .
No ask anything else, no I want your car only for one day jhope was cut by Suga again I said no means no I will not give car to you for single hour .

What happened guy's jin asked see jin hyeong he lost a bet with me as we all know "hmm so "
So what hyeong he have to do what I want and he is refused my words .

You are asking about my car and that is the only thing I can't give you Suga said in anger voice.

Oh really Suga then what about your lovely jimin jin said in a teasing tone .

Suga angry glaze look to be turn soft yeah jimin and car are the two things I don't like to share Suga said who wants your jimin I don't wanna to die in your hand Suga jhope said in a funny tone.

Hey hyeong how are you all and what going on.
All good jungkook hobi said nothing this cat refused to give his car as he lost the bet with me.

Jungkook chuckled hyeong you asked to Suga hyeong to give his car wow, I know that it going to happened but I was just checking him hoseok said .

While Suga that rolled his eyes and go and sit on the couch.
Yes their was a private room for them as they all belong from rich family but yeah not spoiled kids of rich families. They just want it nothing any special reason.

So what the result hyeong jungkook asked teasingly ,what you really think that he will give his car and his jimin to someone else jin said while supporting jungkook in his tease to Suga.

Suga give a death glaze to everyone JUST SHUT UP
Jungkook why don't you a bet with him you can do anything cuz you are Suga was cut by jungkook CUZ I'M JK .

Yeah what ever Suga said and rolled his eyes again, okay hyeong what you said jungkook said and turned to hobi.

What's my bet is on hyeong jungkook asked, again a bet guy's Namjoon said while entering in the room and go straight to jin.

Jin smiled and hug RM hugged him back . RM kissed on jin cheeks jin just smiled on this . No one was shocked cuz it's pretty normal for them .

Jin and RM are dating from first year of their college . RM was the one who confessed his feelings towards jin and also feelings the same for him so they start dating.

RM asked again a bet, yes Suga lose his bet so he ask kook to do a bet as always jungkook said yes cuz he hobi again cut by jungkook CUZ I'm jk said and giggled.

RM shooked his head and rolled his eyes and said okay then do it .
Set on another couch with jin besides him.

So what should I said you to do as a good bet jhope said in confusion, just think by your own it's your work jungkook said and grap a water bottle.

I heard that today a new transfer student going to come in your section so , So Hyeong just say it jungkook said and drink some water from the bottle, So just approach him or her I don't know that student is a boy or a girl whatever you just have to approach him for dinner date that's it jhope complete his words.

Jungkook smirked really hyeong that's it. If I win, then what you said I will do hobi said so confidently.


Yes I bet

Back to present

College Bell rings

All the boys started walking towards their classes.
Namjin was in same class, Suga and jhope was in same class, jungkook was in different class but share the same class with jimin .

Jungkook entered in his class and go to his usual sit and sit on .
Class door opened revealing teacher face along with a new transfer student. All attendance of students goes to new transfer student.

Good morning teacher
Good morning students, now sit
Today we have a new boy a transfer student from daegu University to our university.
Introduce yourself young man teacher said to the boy standing next to him.

The boy looked to everyone with a confidence look .

Taehyung nice name jungkook thought .
Okay now go and sit teacher said to Taehyung.

Thank you sir, Taehyung said and moved to first banch where is bestie was already sitting and waiting for him , and set with him.

How I look while saying all that tae said to jimin as always confidence my tae tae jimin passed his famous eyes smile, tae did same with his boxy smile.

They both were childhood friends, Taehyung father have to do some important work related to his business so he have to shift from Seoul to daegu for a bit long. But their friendship don't got over there it's a point where their bond got more stronger.

They seem so close again jungkook thought.

Teacher start teaching all students attendance shift to teacher from Taehyung.


Okay, class is over . Taehyung do got what I teach teacher asked Taehyung he is comfortable set in a new environment of study.

Yes sir , good but if you have any doubt then ask me okay in my office. Yes sure sir Taehyung said in a polite manner . Teacher go outside from class, other students also walk towards the outside of class .

Chim after how much time next class will start tae asked, after 15 minutes tae jimin said , until then let's go to a quick small tour of college I wanne see the college chim tae asked jimin , okay let's go fast my tae tae .

Both go out from the class, jungkook also heard all talks between vmin .

As he came out his hobi and Suga hyeong already standing there in his wait. How's your class kook hobi said good jungkook said .So that transfer student is a boy or a girl hobi asked, a handsome boy jungkook said really kook you are saying it so that boy must be handsome hobi said yeah I also wanna see that boy Suga joined hobi but what his name kook Kim Taehyung his name Kim Taehyung jungkook said.

You ask him for dinner Suga asked, no I don't hyeong jungkook said, it's okay you can ask him in front of us jhope said while looking at Suga and then jungkook yeah okay hyeong.

They go in search of Taehyung and jimin. After 3 min they found them in the corridor.

Go and ask him kook hobi said and jungkook start moving his steps towards Taehyung.

Hello Tae turned back hyy how can I help you ohh I'm Taehyung hello Taehyung I know your name already jungkook said & I'm jungkook.

Would you like to have a dinner with me jungkook asked him not sure that he will say yes to him .

A dinner with you jungkook.

Thank you for reading so much (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)

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