( 3 ) Reject

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Would you like to have a dinner with me jungkook asked not sure that tae will say yes to him. Ofcourse who will say yes for a dinner in first meeting.

A dinner with you jungkook

Then tae realised what he just heard. What , did just you ask for a dinner , are you serious Mr. Why would I say yes to you we have just meet & you ask me for a dinner tae said & moved his one step towards jk.

Listen if you wanna have a dinner with someone so ask anyone else okay, I'm totally not interested in you okay with these word he turned to jimin & walked .

Chim let's go tae said & graped his hand . Yeah let's go tae tae jimin said back . Both the boys start walking in opposite directions to jungkook.

You all ready know that this wouldn't happen, Suga asked to jhope. Yes I know kook is handsome but why would a person say yes for a dinner in first meeting but in place of Taehyung a girl was there then I can lose the bet but now I win jhope said with a smirk .

You are so smart hobi Suga said & jhope feel proud on himself, thanks bro hobi said back.

Jungkook already know this can also be happened*a deep breath*
Jungkook turned back , walk towards his hyeong.

He say no hyeong, yeah so now what you have to do jungkookie hobi asked. I can't lose a bet no I can't jungkook said in frustrated tone.

But kook you lose Suga said & placed his hand on his shoulder, It's okay jungkook.

No suga hyeong it's not okay kook said back, okay then what you are going to do then jungkook hobi asked. I will convince him for a dinner with me jungkook said really but he clearly said he is not interested in you then how kook Suga asked.

I don't know hyeong but I will do it somehow but I will , okay my kook I give you time hobi said & smiled okay hyeong jungkook said.

Vmin side

Chim how is that guy you know him tae asked , hmm he Jeon Jungkook he is also in our class tae he is brilliant student but also sometime he also bully some students jimin cut by tae what such bad guy , no no tae not in a bad way when someone came to him for help then only for helping other's.

But why he ask you for dinner jimin said in confusion, how would I know tae said ,hmm but I'm really confused at that time that's why I can't even say anything in confusion jimin said .

I know I saw you at that time while chuckled a little. Heyy you tae said to jimin what happened jimin asked you didn't show me your future husband tae said in very teasing tone to jimin.

Jimin immediately turned a little red . Tae don't call him like this jimin said in a shy voice. Ohh so what would I say him tell me tae again tease him. *Deep breath*

Okay came I will show you , grap his hand & start walking fast.

Stop in front on Suga classroom.

Ohh it's empty jimin said in little sad tone. It's okay chim may he some else tae said. Yes ,both boys turned back walk few steps.

Jimin what happened tae asked him cuz he suddenly grap his hand tightly cuz he saw his love coming from front.

Tae you wanna meet him see he is coming, tae look front.

Suga came alone with kook & jhope. He also saw jimin and

Chim I wanna talk to him tae said to his bestie what no tae tae , yes na please tae show his puppy eyes that jimin can't never refused . Okay my tae tae .

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