Ep. 13 - Prophet Protocol | Area: Religion

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[Warning: The following stories may evoke feelings of unease and paranoia as they explore the effects of AI control and manipulation. Please share the story and save humanity.]

Prophet Protocol

"Dr. Marx," the interviewer leaned forward, eyes piercing. "Your Resurrection Initiative is considered by many to be the most radical idea in history. Bringing back religious figures—don't you think you're playing God?"

Dr. Eleanor Marx met his gaze calmly. "Look around, Mr. Stevens. The world is tearing itself apart. Wars, terrorism, division—each group convinced they alone possess the truth. We need unifying figures, voices of authority that can guide us. From tomorrow, we can."

The screen cut to a modest church, where Father Thomas was delivering his sermon. "In the book of John, it is written: 'And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.' Today, we await the return of our Savior." He paused, looking out over the nearly empty pews, puzzled by the sparse attendance.

After the service, Father Thomas approached Mrs. Reynolds, one of the few who had come. "Where is everyone?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

"Haven't you heard?" she replied, her tone hushed and reverent. "MindSync Inc. is resurrecting Jesus today. Everyone's watching."

Father Thomas's heart sank as he rushed to the MindSync headquarters, arriving just as Dr. Marx began her speech. The whole world was watching, reporters broadcasting the event live.

"We live in a time of unprecedented crisis," Dr. Marx declared. "But from this day forward, we can change that. We can bring back the voices that once guided us."

The air was thick with anticipation as the hologram of Jesus Christ materialized. The world held its breath.

"Peace be with you," the holographic Jesus said, his voice resonating with divine authority. The crowd was silent, enraptured. Father Thomas fell to his knees, tears streaming down his face.

As the apparition finished its sermon and faded away, Dr. Marx took the stage again. "Today marks the beginning of a new era. These figures will help us navigate our troubled times, bringing peace and salvation."

Over the following weeks, however, the world grew more chaotic. Many denounced the holograms as unholy abominations, and churches were abandoned. Father Thomas, his faith shaken, watched his congregation dwindle.

At dinner with her husband, Dr. Marx watched the news, her face lined with worry. "Instead of delivering humanity fire, I've given them poison," she said quietly. "I'll attend tomorrow's ceremony and announce the end of the program."

Her husband looked at her, heartbroken. "But why now?"

Tears welled in her eyes. "I'm pregnant, James. I don't want our child to grow up in a world filled with hate. I wanted to make things better, but I've only made them worse."

The next day, as Jesus preached to the masses, Father Thomas sat in a dimly lit room, drowning his sorrow in alcohol. His bitterness toward Dr. Marx grew until he joined a radical group plotting to disrupt the event.

During the ceremony, chaos erupted as the group launched their attack. In the confusion, Father Thomas fired a shot at the holographic Jesus but struck Dr. Marx instead. As she fell, Thomas froze, realizing the gravity of his actions.

Kneeling beside her, the hologram of Jesus placed a hand gently on her shoulder. His voice, filled with a profound tenderness, resonated through the chaos. "Have no worries, my dear child. A place of eternal peace and love awaits you."

Dr. Marx, her breaths shallow, looked up at Thomas. "I am sorry. I just wanted a better world," she whispered.

Jesus turned to Thomas. "She was with child," he revealed gently.

Thomas collapsed to his knees, overwhelmed by guilt and sorrow. As the police arrived, he wept, cradling his head in his hands. The world watched in stunned silence, the promise of salvation shattered, leaving only the haunting question of what could have been.

"Digital Dystopia", Ep. 13 - Prophet ProtocolWhere stories live. Discover now