Chapter 3

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Jennie had gone home in a daze, not really paying attention to anyone.

"Jennie? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost," Eunwoo asked.

"I don't get that turn of phrase," Bambam commented, "We've all seen ghosts, nothing crazy about that."

"The phrase originally comes from Muggles, Bambam," Jennie snapped, before sitting down at the dining table abruptly.

"Jeez, what's twisted your knickers?" Bambam shot back, sitting down too.

"Roseanne's pregnant," Jennie intoned, still in shock.

Eunwoo dropped the bottle of water he was holding and Bambam's jaw dropped.

"No way," Eunwoo gasped.

"Blimey..." Bambam uttered, "I guess they always go on about how super fertile Veela's are."

"Unfortunately, never in the education system," Jennie muttered darkly, drumming her fingers on the table.

"What are you going to do?" Eunwoo asked, picking up his bottle of water and joining the others at the table.

"I don't know, Eunwoo," Jennie said, resting her forehead on her hand, "What am I going to do? I'm just a student. I can't look after a baby!"

"You might not have to?" Eunwoo asked, shrugging.

Jennie leant down, flinging open her leather satchel and slamming a number of large books down on the table.

"After the contraception faux pas, I researched Veela as thoroughly as I could," Jennie said, tidying the stack of books, "I ordered in books from across the country to get as much information as I could. I'm not going to be caught out not knowing something again."

"And what did you find?" Bambam asked, curious.

"She'll keep it," Jennie replied, "Veela will never terminate a pregnancy, it's just not a thing culturally for them."

"Oh," Eunwoo replied.

"But what if she doesn't want you to be involved at all?" Bambam suggested, "I mean if she's as cold with you as you say,"

"I can't just not be in my own child's life!" Jennie protested.

"Merlin, what a mess," Bambam said, running a hand through his red bowl of hair, "Glad it happened to you and not me."

"Bambam!" Jennie snapped at her friend.

Bambam looked sheepish.

"I mean, it would be absolutely amazing to sleep with Roseanne, but woah, what a situation you're in!" Bambam attempted to explain.

"Bam, ever heard of the Muggle phrase 'if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging'?" Eunwoo asked, nudging his friend.

Bambam shrugged, changing the subject to one that was less of a minefield for himself. Jennie was relieved, as Bambam distracted her from her predicament by talking rubbish about a former Slytherin in their Auror classes.

Later, as they were about to retire for the night, Eunwoo pulled Jennie back to have a word to her one on one.

As Bambam sloped off to use the bathroom, Eunwoo's green eyes fixed on Jennie's deep brown eyes that were flecked with amber. His spiky hair was in disarray as usual, but his face was serious.

"Jennie," Eunwoo said carefully, "I know most girls would never prepare themselves for finding themselves in this situation, so I'm gonna give you some bloke's advice. You gotta do the right thing by Roseanne and your kid."

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