chapter 3

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Anika: Neil . I don't want you to get beaten up by your dad (worried) .And it's really dangerous for you to be out at night . There is a reason why your dad restricts you . Why don't you understand?( Trying to make him realize )
Ahaan: fine, mom . I won't go . (Shrugs)
Anika: I doubt (rolls her eyes)
Ahaan: Don't worry mom. Nothing Will happen to me . (Smile)
Anika :Yeah ! Your dad won't let anything happen to you (smile). You know , you are his lifeline .
Ahaan : But he always keeps threatening me saying that if I disobey him  , he will beat me .
Anika : it's true though. You know his anger very well . (Sigh)
Ahaan : I still didn't forget that day he caught me in the beach with my friends.
Anika: (twist his ear) but still you dare to go against his words . Once he catches you , I don't know what Will happen to you.
Ahaan : chill mom!I wanna sleep now . Good night
Anika: good night . (Kissed his forehead ) Love you .
Ahaan: love you too, mom . (Smile)       

They heard someone caught . They looked at the direction and saw ahaan's dad was standing at the door .

Dad: so , what is going on between mother and son in the middle of night ? Something secret ?

Ahaan : dad (nervous)

Anika: well, we can talk any time , does anyone have any problem ?(Sassily )

Dad: well, no .

Anika : actually, I woke up to drink water. So , I went to the kitchen as water bottle in our room was empty . So , I decided to check on him while going back to room .

Dad: oh, okay .

Anika : But what brings you here?

Dad: I couldn't find you when I was asleep . So , I came here.

Then he walked towards ahaan who was sitting on the bed . He also sat beside him and side hugged him .
He also hugged him back .

After breaking hug , dad started caressing his hairs softly
Dad: now sleep ,ok . Tomorrow you have university too .

Ahaan: yeah .

Dad: (kissed his forehead ). Love you
Ahaan : love you too, dad.

Then his parents left .


three of them were having breakfast . Ahaan was not eating. So , his father asked "don't you like the food,baby ? "

Ahaan who was zoned out , came out of his thoughts and answered" yeah , dad . Food is delicious. I am eating.

Then he started eating . He was thinking about going to club tonight with his friends.

After finishing breakfast everyone got up from their seat .
Ahaan: good bye, mom and dad . I am going .
He was about to go when his father said to him .
Dad: but before you go , I have a surprise for you . (Smiling happily)

        To be continued

That's it for today . What surprise is waiting for him ?🤔

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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