Chap. 8 - Oddball

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Fear in itself had been something that Maggie grew to be quite accustomed to in her old life and this new life, thrust into the den of apex predators the like she had never clashed with in such close proximity before, the life she led prepared her for this but the shell shock never wore off. Now fear had no room to be thought of in this battle of a mansion, not when she had to thwart off threats daily, Masky and Hoodie grew worse since she returned from her little stint in the medbay and even Jeff the killer became intolerable. News of her recent escapades had reached the other creeps by now and gave her a notoriety she didn't need or want for in the slightest, the only good part was she got to be included in the intake of drugs and many other substances with all the pastas since she got street cred. "You fight like a fucking dude, it's insane man." Ben laughed hysterically as he hit the bong again, Dark Link, LJ, herself, Jeff and Jane and Nina, Toby and Liu were sat in a circle on game night getting high together. It'd been a known fact most if not all of the creeps were potheads, the vast majority more so were alcoholics and Maggie wondered if that was why they were all so fucked up, however if it helped them cope she couldn't act like she'd never been in their shoes before. "The doll got lucky, now I have fucked up ugly scars on my rocking hot bod." Jane and Maggie began to giggle together with Nina, all sharing a mutual hatred of Jeff and even his older brother let out a little snort from hearing Jeff basically whine about her stab wounds. "Stabbie getting stabbed by the rookie is a riot! You're alright kid." LJ wore his uncanny valley grin as he passed the blunt to the dark haired girl, Dark Link hadn't once taken his eyes off of Maggie in his seat next to Ben. "I wish I got to see it! You're so lucky Ben. I wanna see her fight too guys." Nina whined as Maggie handed the blunt to the girl, happy that at least two of the girls were warming up to her even if it was for their own reasons they were getting along. "What is this a competition for simping?" Dark Link had a sneer on his lips as Toby rolled his eyes and Liu had a look which screamed at him to be quiet which he sent to Jeff as well, too high to deal with the arguing if it erupted. "J-Jack mm w-would w-w-win that for sure heh!" Toby interjected, the weed making him too talkative and ticking a bit more even if he hated interacting with people it made the boy unable to be quiet. "Who me? I mean be real, the reason why everyone gives you a hard time is cause you're pretty." EJ was being brutally honest as he gave a pointed look to Maggie, her golden eyes brimming with pure confusion as she eyed Toby then Ben and Jeff followed by Link and Liu. "What do you think, Dink? That why you're a dick too?" The  question had almost everyone laughing since it was true ever since she met Dark Link he had been an asshole, more so than usual during game night he always picked on Maggie. "I'm like this to everyone kay princess, don't get it twisted." Raising an eyebrow at the tension the dark skinned male exhibited everytime they had an interaction, Maggie simply brushed it aside unaware that he too was one of many with a crush on her. Hoodie and Masky both had a freakish obsession sure, EJ had a growing but innocent crush from the moments they shared of trauma bonding basically, Ben and a few others had a massive crush on her whereas Jeff had a morbid curiosity to sate. Toby had a gross and weird crush that went beyond the realm of normalcy, taking any chance he could to bully her like his two elder Proxies, they all assumed that was the normal way to go about their feelings which it was not in the slightest. "Your turn sweet cheeks." LJ gave a nudge with his clawed hand to the girl as she placed the uno card down, unaware that even the psychotic laughing clown took a liking to her personality and continuously stalked her and the interactions she had with others inside of the manor. Liu and Jeff had an uncomfortable stalemate stare off the entire game of uno as Maggie noted, they would exchange glares any moment that Liu caught Jeff staring and Vice versa but everyone ignored it since all the males who had become interested in the new flesh acted in a similar manner. "It's puff puff pass, not puff puff puff retard." Jane's smooth voice snapped at Jeff who for the past five minutes say bogarting the blunt, Maggie sat giggling at the remark in between EJ and Liu, the group sat smoking in a circle after their game of uno with board games along the carpeted floor. Toby was clearly high and had been rambling to Ben while Jeff and Jane were arguing, Eyeless Jack laughed at everything, Nina kept rolling blunts while making small talk with Jane and Maggie whilst Dark Link and Liu were the quieter ones who you had to prod to get responses from. Dark Link came off as a stoner that tried to act cool but was obviously just too faded to be bothered, Liu just chilled despite wanting to murder Jeff every second he was awake, Toby got talkative and Jeff just got stupider, EJ seemed unaffected by weed and LJ found everything funnier than he did normally. Nina and Jane were calm and fun stoners who Maggie took a liking to greatly as they seemed to get along with her well, things only got chaotic once they started playing truth or dare like a bunch of stupid teenagers although some of them were physically the age of teens. "Truth or dare, Maggie." LJ wore a salacious grin as the young girl mulled it over in her high brain, "Truth, I don't want a dare from you." Everyone laughed a bit at that and the clown snickered loudly before asking the worst question she could ever imagine being asked. "Out of everyone in the mansion, who would you fuck?" LJ and EJ exchanged looks, LJ who happily held mirth in his eyes whilst the eyeless man shook his head at the fact he decided to say such a thing to Maggie. "Male or female or just in general?" Maggie asked as a couple jeers were made especially from Jane who wiggled her perfect eyebrows at the other girl, making her flush and cover her face. "Anyone, even little old me." LJ pointed at himself and Dink rolled his eyes, "The first person I would attempt to fuck is EJ and then out of morbid curiosity I'd try Slender for the tentacles." That statement had even Jeff rolling on the floor with laughter, Ben joining him whilst holding his stomach. Jane and Nina sat wide eyed before giggling amongst one another, Liu facepalmed at the antics of his older brother and Dink had a mildly disappointed look on his face along with Toby while LJ shrugged his shoulders in a lax manner. "You'd fuck eyeless over me? Wow talk about bad taste." Dink scowled and got an eye roll from Maggie, "Oh shut it, all the fanfic I read about you was so cringy I don't have a hard on for you. Jack's fanfiction was like way hotter." EJ himself sat extremely flustered and struggled to not pounce on the young girl that loved to test his patience, sure he liked her as a friend but the pheromones she omitted made it difficult to resist his urges. "What about mine huh!?" Jeff almost whined earning a loud ew from Maggie, "No, just no. Never in a million years like Nina can have you I'm cool." Even if Maggie was being mean to Jeff a tinge of what Jack could only describe as pride ran through him at the notion that his crush chose him over the others. Jealousy coursed in his veins at the prospect that Maggie would even fathom to have sex with the faceless one, he himself had tentacles and knew that if anyone in this god forsaken mansion could please her it was him and only him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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