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As the Belfast fleet and Enterprise return to the main fleet guiding Javelin and Laffey, Belfast begins to ask something.

Belfast: Are you worried about those girls from the Sakura empire?

Javelin: (Sad) You heard everything, right?

Belfast: Yes, I apologize for being late to help you.

Javelin: Excuse me, are you guys upset by our actions?

Belfast: Excuse me?

Javelin: Ayanami is our enemy, but we don't want to fight against her. We do not know what to do...

Belfast: You should keep thinking about that, keep thinking, we can't let situations continue to make decisions for us, our powers should not be taken lightly. We were created to fight, not to destroy.

Javelin is happy by Belfast's words, on the other hand, Enterprise is very surprised by Belfast's words.

At that point they realize that a dimensional fault opens near them.

Enterprise: This area is dangerous, we should find the others, (Looks at Javelin and Laffey) The fleet is in that direction, sail there and you will meet up with the allied fleet.

Javelin: Enterprise, what about you guys?

Enterprise: Belfast's and my job is to find the rest of the lost kansen.

Laffey: Laffey will also help.

Javelin: Yes, we will help find the other girls who are lost. Who is missing?

Belfast: It's Izumo and Stelle, they are the only kansen missing.

Enterprise agrees to Javelin's request, since there are now more girls searching so the search would be easier.


While sailing we met some high-ranking sirens who attacked us as soon as they saw us, we dodged the enemy's attacks and Stelle fired her torpedoes killing one of the sirens, I fired my main cannons to damage the enemy, I don't think With my 130 mm cannons I managed to kill the enemy in the first salvo, but it was enough to be a distraction. Then I summoned a torpedo from my hand, activated it and after arming the explosive I threw it at the siren, the torpedo hit her, leaving her injured, then Stelle finishes it off with another torpedo sweep.

Stelle: Ready, we're done with the cleaning job. The enemies of mass production are no match for us.

Me: Good job. But don't go too far.

Stelle: (Smiling) Okay.

Then we continued sailing, on the way I could see several mass-produced Siren ships, but the enemy ships did not attack us, they seemed to be disabled, we did not attack because we want to reserve ammunition, if something does not attack you, then do not attack.

Stella: What happened? Why don't those ships attack us?

Me: I don't know, surely the forced Teleportation must have damaged the enemy ships, but it's actually strange that those ships don't attack us. Are those ships commanded without a crew? Will everything be automated?

Stelle: Do you want to find out?

Me: You tempt me, you tempt me, let's do it.

We approached a mass-produced Siren heavy cruiser and got on the deck of the ship, at all times we had our weapons ready to fire, we arrived at the main door of the ship and I gave it a good kick and we entered, there was nothing...

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