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  At the restaurant in the empire Nimi is having lunch after such a laborious day preparing reports on the failed mission to attack the Eagle Union fleet.

  Z23: I don't understand anything at all, supposedly we should have the absolute advantage against Azur Lane in the previous two fights.

  Nimi had studied the reports and also photographs taken by Kaga and Akagi during the attack on Peal Harbor and then fighting against the Azur Lane rescue fleet while they attacked the Eagle Union fleet, but she still thinks something doesn't add up. in the events since Azur Lane could not have arrived so quickly and that Nimi's allies should not fall so easily.

  She sighs and shakes her head to clear her mind.

  Shigure: What!?

  Nimi: (Choking) Cough!

  At that Shigure's scream makes Nimi choke on her tea and then she looks at Shigure with annoyance.

  Shigure: So that girl named Enterprise beat Kaga?  And they defeated her so easily?  That sounds too macabre to be real.

  Yukikaze: (very proud) If it were up to me, Eagle Union and Royal Navy would not be rivals for me, I would also hit everyone who opposes me on the way.

  At that Yuudachi chokes from eating too quickly and the girls help her so she can pass the piece of meat that got stuck in Yuudachi's throat. When everything is over, the girls sigh with relief and Yuudachi starts to talk.

  Yuudachi: I'm a little jealous of you, Ayanami... you were able to go to battle, I want to go too.

  In that Ayanami remembers all her actions during the beginning of the war and she does not feel proud of it at all.

  Ayanami: I don't like fighting... I'm just doing what's expected of me.

  Ayanami is very sad, but since she is not good at showing emotions, everyone thinks that she is just joking.

  Shigure: What is expected of you?  You are from the demon “The Demon Ayanami”!

  Yuudachi hangs onto Ayanami as she plays Ayanami's horns.

  Yuudachi: Demon!  You have demon horns!

  Ayanami: (Uncomfortable) Those aren't my horns, those are my ears.

  Shigure: However, not only can you be strong and skilled, you also have to possess the blessing of the goddess of fortune like me, the famous IJN Shigure.

  Yukikaze: (See she won a free ice cream promotion) Oh!  Earn a promotion!

  Those words make Shigure very angry so she takes out 10 ice creams out of nowhere.

  Shigure: Good Yukikaze!  Let's settle the score once and for all!

  Z23: Shut up, I want to eat without interruptions!

  At Nimi's scream, Shigure had to apologize to Nimi.

  Meanwhile in another place, Takao practices with the sword, she has her eyes closed and a wind blows and releases a group of flower petals, then she opens her eyes and draws her sword cutting the flower petals and then She sheathed her sword, all the petals split in half.


  Just then someone applauds behind Takao, Takao turned around, she could see Zuikaku.

  Zuikaku: Hello Takao, I see that you are training as hard as ever.

  Takao: Hello Zuikaku-dono, I see that you have returned safely.

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