Chapter 52.

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//CHAPTER 52: Breaking and Entering//

A/N: sorry for such a long wait, important authors note at end? If you want to read it aha xx

Admittedly, nightmares take a huge toll on how tired you are. Especially when you get them more and more often.

That morning was practically uneventful. Our beautiful girl wondered aimlessly around the house while Mark sat in his armchair reading the newspaper. We looked like an ordinary happy family. If only it were that simple.

I just had this aching feeling that something was wrong. Something wasn't right. But I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it was just the nightmares... Yeah. That must be it.

Mark looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back. (D/n) smiled. Smiles all round. What a happy, happy family we are. How could there possibly be anything wrong?

"Are you okay?" Mark asked me curiously. I nodded and smiled at him again. He smiled back, returning to his paper. I felt so distant from him. So tired, my under eyes darkened from the lack of sleep. Every time my eyes closed, he was there. Staring right back at me. Black, soulless eyes... Implanted in my husbands face. Even looking at Mark now. I could see them.


Flashes of pitch black eyes.

Imprinted in my mind.

"(Y/n)?" Mark interrupted your thoughts. My heart sped up and I realised I had a single tear rolling down my cheek. I quickly wiped it on my sleeve and looked back at Mark. No flashes.

"Yeah?", I asked. Blinking back any tears that hadn't fallen. He placed his newspaper down and stood up. Holding a hand out to me, I took it. Warm skin against mine. Not freezing. Thank goodness. He pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me. One hand stroking my hair.

"The nightmares again?" He murmured into my hair.

"The nightmares again", I stated. Burying my face in his chest. I felt a small figure wrap their arms around my legs.

"I want to hug too!" She laughed and tightened her grip. We all joined in her adorable laughter and Mark let go of me to pick her up. She squealed in delight.

"Now..." He began. "I think it's time we go out to get some ice cream..." (D/n) squealed in delight. Mark wriggled his eyebrows at me.

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" She chanted. I shook my head. Mark began to join in.

"I think you've had enough sugar for today", I said over the top of there chanting. I had to be somewhat responsible right? It's just icecream my conscience reminded me. Both Mark and (D/n) made pouty faces at me and I huffed. How could I say no? "Fine..." I gave in. "Only if you're driving" I told him. He nodded happily and they both ran to the car, followed by me after I got the keys to leave. I locked the door behind me and hopped into the car whilst Mark was putting (D/n) in her high seat.

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" She continued to chant. I smiled and joined in with her.

"Okay! Okay! Let's go then", Mark got in the drivers seat and we left. However in my mind, something still wasn't right.

~•~•~ (A/N: these are time skips from now on)

"(D/n), you have ice-cream on your chin", I giggled and watched her attempt to lick the bit of chocolate ice-cream protruding off her face. I got a tissue from the side door and leaned into the back seat to wipe it off. "That's better"

"Thanks mummy", she smiled and I turned back to Mark just as we pulled in the driveway.

"Um...(y/n)?" He furrowed his brows and looked at me curiously.

"What?" I asked. Unsure of what was wrong.

"Did you leave the door open?" He asked incredulously. Did I leave the door open? I mentally asked myself. I couldn't have. I remember locking the door behind me.

"No, of course not. I always lock the door behind me." I told him. I know I did.

"Then why is the front door wide open?" He asked, almost afraid. Oh no I thought. Someone must have broken in. I realised. I swung my door open, got out and ran to the door. There were obvious forced signs of entry. The door had been broken near the lick by a crowbar most likely. Soon after, Mark was behind me followed by our oblivious daughter. She ran past and straight to her room before I could stop her.

A blood curdling scream followed.

Sprinting. I was at the door to her room. She stood there, crying, her teddies across the floor with heads torn off everywhere and a message on the wall.

'Soon, it will be her'

It read. (D/n) couldn't read yet. I was glad. Mark took her out of the room while I investigated. Nothing else had been touched. I was scared. Who could have done this? Why would anyone break in in the middle of the day to threaten a small innocent child with messages on the wall? Why? How did no one see it happen? Who? Why?

I shivered. The room felt colder. I turned around to leave the room and I saw another flash. A flash of him. Those eyes. I gasped in horror and ran out and into Mark's arms.

"Call the police", I begged.

"I already have", he replied. "They are on their way to investigate."
I sniffed and nodded. Mark kissed my forehead lightly. "It's going to be alright, they must have left some finger prints or something. We'll catch this guy in no time"

"Mummy... Daddy..." (D/n) spoke up. "Will my teddies be alright?" My heart softened. Eyes welled up and I laughed.

"Yes darling", I told her, I knelt down. "All teddies go to teddy heaven ad there'll be cake and all there friends will be there" she wrapped her arms around my neck and I held her tight. "I love you so much"

"Love you too mummy", she giggled and let go before wandering off somewhere else.

"Maybe we should see if anywhere else got ransacked..." Mark suggested. I nodded in reply and we headed to our room. I opened the door expecting the worst. It was the opposite, everything was how we left it. Nothing had been touched, at least that's how it looked. Maybe the thief just did a real good job? We searched the rest of the house, to no avail. Nothing was out of place, everything was completely fine. Except our daughters room. I shuddered, remembering my nightmare.

I guess if you're out of the picture, the girl isn't safe.

Was that a sign? Is someone after my beautiful girl? I will not let anyone hurt her as long as I'm around and I don't plan on going anywhere, anytime soon.

Knock knock.

The police have arrived.

Time to find out who you are and what the hell you want with my daughter. I'm scared as hell. I knew something wasn't right.

I'm so sorry for such a long delay on this story and I have tried to reply to as many comments as I could and seeing how much you all wanted a chapter and all the wonderful comments, really motivated me to finally get this chapter done.

Hopefully updates will be more regular now!

Thank you so much for continued support, it means the world to me!

I really love seeing every vote, comment and follow I get. It makes me feel like there are people out there who think my work is worth reading which truly inspires me to write.

I'm so sorry if I haven't replied to your comments, it's a bit easier for PM'ing. Honestly, I have so many comments to go through, being able to comment on each and every one would take forever! (Which is amazing! I remember when I only had like one comment!!)

Please, bear with me on irregular updates for the time being. I'll try my best!!

Lots of love for all of y'all!

And I'll see you in the next chapter! Buh-bye xx

-Michelle 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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