Chapter 3 ⚠️SMUT⚠️

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-Baldi's POV-

*I arrived back in the classroom which was now empty, I'm guessing class had already ended or something, I decided to lock the door behind me since I don't want my beautiful Y/n to run away from me again~.. I placed her back in her seat and took her paper and wrote the right answer to the first equation and gave her an A because I wanted to be nice.*

(Time Skip to 2 hours later brought to you by the locker you hid in, in the last chapter)

(I also decided to start putting -Your POV- instead of -Y/n POV- bc why not ;) )

-Your POV-

*I woke up back in the classroom and yawned*
"Ugh, why do I feel so tired?.." *I asked as I yawned again*

"Oh, hi Y/n, did you sleep well?" *Baldi asked me*

"Mmgh.. yeah.." *I groaned slightly as I stretched my back and heard a small crack from my neck.*

"That's nice.." *Baldi answered with a slightly teasing tone* "I was thinking for a bit and I wanted a reward for giving you the right answer for the equation you didn't understand earlier, oh and I also gave you an A." *Baldi said calmly*
"What reward?" *I asked him*
"Oh you know, for giving you an A?" *Baldi said as he walked up to me, Baldi turned my head upwards to look him in the eyes, Baldi's eyes were filled with lust and desire, I then realised what he wanted and my eyes widened slightly at the thought of it* "Looks like were on the same page here darling~.." *Baldi said, his voice filled with lust* "Please darling~.. I can make you feel good~"
"I..I don't know.." *I answered quietly*
"Oh please~ no one has to know about this besides us~.. plus this classroom is sound proof~" *Baldi said inching his face closer to mine, he was so close that our noses were almost touching* "Uhm... Fine.." *I answered him knowing that I was also touch starved and I haven't had a good kiss since after I broke up with my bf about 2 years ago when I was 16. Almost immediately when I answered him he kissed me passionately. I kissed back with more passion*
"Ngh~.." *I moaned into the kiss, when he heard me moan he wrapped his arms around me trying to push his tongue into my mouth asking for permission, and I gave him permission to enter, when his tongue entered my mouth I slightly moaned. He was exploring every inch of my mouth with his tongue. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, I could feel his hard member pressing against my pussy, he set me down on his desk kissing me deeply* "Ngh~" *I moaned into the kiss again, he pressed his hard member against my pussy hardly, I was grinding against it* "Mh~.." *Baldi let go of the kiss as we both were gasping for air* "Wow your needy~.." *Baldi chuckled softly* "Mhm..I know~" *We both heard a knock on the door* "Hello? Mr.Baldi, I need to talk to you about something." *Said the principal. Me and Baldi looked at eachother shocked* "One second principal! I'll quickly finish explaining something to my student!" *Baldi said quickly and motioned his head towards my desk hinting for me to go sit there, I quickly made my way to my desk and fixed myself up and my desk too, Baldi fixed himself up and his desk too, he quickly gave me some paper with some equations on it. He pretended to explain something* "And that's how you solve this equation!" *Baldi said to me, he then walked to the door and quietly unlocked the door and opened it* "Yes principal?" *Baldi asked principal*

-Cliffhanger sorry! You'll have to wait till the next chapter to find out what happens ;)

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