A Perilous Path Forward

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It's that time again. Who's ready for another chapter? I'm stoked to see so many people enjoying my stories, really motivates me to keep writing. If you like my work and want to support me, check out my Pa-tre-on/swoleandnerdy. Shameless plug out of the way, please enjoy the story!

Six watched as the thin, dirty boy carefully made his way down the ladder. She wasn't sure what she was thinking, saving him like that. It was dangerous. Stupid even. Something she normally wouldn't do. Something that wouldn't normally be done for her.

Maybe that was why? In the vain hope that by helping someone, she would be helped in her own time of need. It was doubtful, people here weren't that kind. Not since...

Six shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts. That was in the past, no use dredging up old wounds for no reason.

She was surprised to find the mansion had an attic. No kid had ever mentioned it before. Probably because no kid has ever found it before. If the only entrance was locked from the inside, it would be nearly impossible to do so. Not to mention that if no one knew it existed, no one would be looking for it in the first place.

But of course, it was also dangerous, with its own monster lurking about. Just like everywhere else in this place. Nowhere was safe. At least, not for long.

The boy reached the bottom of the ladder, and turned to face Six. He was indeed thin. Thinner even than Six. With clothes far too big for him, they looked as if they'd fall off at any moment. Either that, or swallow him whole. Six had never seen someone get eaten by clothes, but she wouldn't dismiss the possibility.

He also had messy black hair, much like her own, and the greenest eyes she had ever seen. So bright and vibrant, refusing to dull in the face of the world. And like most kids, he wasn't wearing any shoes.

They stared at each other awkwardly for a few moments, neither one being particularly social. Harry, from having his cousin threaten to beat up anybody who got even remotely close to him, and Six, from having experienced the cruelty of the world they were in.

It left them with no idea of what to do.

Harry eventually cleared his throat, fidgeting as he tried to form words with his mouth, "Uh, thanks for, you know, um saving me. I thought I was a goner for sure."

It was almost painful to watch, and caused Six to form the teeniest tiniest of smiles. So small you would need a magnifying glass to see it. But it was still there.

"I... You're welcome. Here, I think this belongs to you," she said, holding out a flashlight, cursing herself for her slight stammer. This is why she didn't interact with people. It was awkward! But the boy in front of her either didn't care or didn't notice. Probably the former, considering his own stutter.

"Oh, uh, thanks. Glad you found it," he said, once more in the possession of a flashlight. It wasn't much, but the fact that he had a light source on hand made him feel better.

"Hard to miss when it nearly hits you in the head," she said dryly. It was to her great surprise that when she tried to climb a ladder that appeared out of nowhere, she had to dodge a flashlight that nearly made her an invalid.

"Oh, um... Sorry?"

"You're not sure?"

"What no! I mean yes, I mean, my bad."

Six quirked an eyebrow, amused as the boy panicked. It was cute, in its own way. And likely to get them both killed. But for now, she would just enjoy the show.

An angry hiss halted Harry's stammering. The two of them looked back up to the entrance to the attic. There, in the shadows, barely visible, was the moth monster. Staring at them balefully. It was a look Harry was used to seeing from the thing.

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