Meanwhile With the Remaining Three

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"Orca? Are you done yet? We've gotta continue looking for my sister and the others!" A sugar gilder who looked like Snail had his arms crossed as he eyed the sleeping tegu on her usual sleeping spot, which happened to be a rock that got lots of sunlight hit on it. He could hear her mumble to herself as she got in a more comfortable position, sighing happily to herself.

As much as he wanted to wake her up, he had no idea how long she'd be asleep for. He knew that she loved that rock and soon as they found it, remembering her eyes sparkling at the sight of it. The thought made him chuckle, but then he began to recall when the two stumbled upon each other on his mysterious island as well as when they first landed here.


He groaned to himself for a few moments, face planted into the ground. He had no idea what he had just gotten himself into, but that bright light he spotted when he was coming home was NOT something he was expecting to see. Pushing himself up, he moaned, "Gah. My head hurts. What just happened?" He looked around, and he immediately knew he wasn't in his world. "What is this place?" is what he heard himself ask as he scanned the area.

He started calling out to his sister Snail, but realized that she wasn't around. He had to find her. He treaded a few steps before spotting a black and white mass on the ground, almost curled up into a ball. "Orca!" he exclaimed, rushing over to her. He then stopped and said, "Hey! Are you alright?! Come on Orca answer me!" The response he got was a moan from her. "I can't...drifting off..." she said through the moan.

Sighting, he shoved her side, flinching over how hot her skin was to the touch. He then turned to her again and said, "Come on, get up. I know you're not dead." This time, he shoved her lightly, making her moan again. He noticed that she was...sweating? That wasn't something normal for her to do. Orca slowly woke up, seeing the figure in front of her. "S-Slug?" she asked through groans. "Oh, you're awake finally!" Slug exclaimed as Orca got to her feet, rubbing her head. "What...happened?" She took the time to examine her surroundings as soon as she woke up.

"I don't know. All I remember was seeing this bright light from where I was returning home, and then I felt like I was falling. Then I ended up here," Slug explained to Orca, which made her eyes widen. "Something like that happened to me! I was working on a forestation project and then I saw this light heading my direction!" When she exclaimed this, Slug finally understood on why they got teleported so close together. They must of been sent here at the same time.

Orca then hesitated, noticing how hot her skin was. She even felt herself sweat, which wasn't normal for her. She was really having a hard time managing her body heat. "Woah, you alright?" Slug asked Orca as she eyed him with a bit of a concerned look. "Y-Yeah. I'll manage," she finally said. Then she scanned Slug from head to toe. "You look different." He then noticed that the same applied with her too. "Same goes to you too," he answered.

They both stared at each other for a few seconds before Slug pulled on the membranes attached to his arms. "...Huh. I did change." He touched the top of his head, feeling ears, and then he felt his tail move. Orca touched the side of her face, seeing how shockingly hot it was like when Slug shoved her. It didn't bother her though since she was some kind of lizard. She did recognize what Slug was. "You're a sugar gilder," she said to him, making him jump. "How did you-" She explained on how her and Manta watched them when they were kids back in Orca's old forest home. Slug couldn't help but smile at her telling him the good memory.

"So we've been turned into animals and sent to this weird place. How are we supposed to find the others? My sister?" Slug was seen a bit worried that his sister might have been damaged in some way, and he could get very overprotective when it came to his sister. "We can look around and explore while finding them. And since we can possibly still go into our Monster forms, we can look for the other two Negatives if they're in their Monster states too," Orca told Slug, who agreed. "Yeah. Let's do so. I hope Snail is alright."

End Flashback

When he was done pondering over the moment, he noticed that Orca had waken up from her nap. "Alright. I feel refreshed and ready to go continue our search," she said to him. She was sitting on the rock, Slug almost confusing her for some kind of godlike Monster as she slid off of it, stretching. Slug was at least happy that he didn't have any animal problems like Orca did, but he was at least relieved that she had found something that helped her manage her body heat. "Let's go," Slug responded, the two leaving Orca's sleeping spot.


Leaning up against a tree, Clione was taking a break from looking for his stepsister Pirarucu. Arriving in this strange new world was a total surprise. Something he'd never imagine would happen in a long time. "The last few days have been weird," he told himself as his ears twitched at the sounds of nature that surrounded him. He decided to recall on the very first day he landed in this place while he rested his legs, which were quite worn out from all the walking and running he was doing.


He screamed for his dear life as he fell out of a white rift in the sky, soon crashing into some trees as he fell. He eventually landed on his face once the fall was over, sticks and leaves all in his fur coated body. He got up, still trying to process what he saw. "That was weird," he told himself. He remembered seeing that bright light heading his way before all of a sudden being teleported here.

That was when he noticed that he was on his own. He started getting worried about Pirarucu,  hoping she was alright and not in serious trouble. Clione started calling out for his stepsis, but he couldn't seem to get her. "I bet she's not near me," he finally realized. In the end, he decided to go find her while checking out this new place he crashed landed in.

As he stepped on a puddle of water, he couldn't help but take a quick glimpse at his reflection in the water, soon making him jump when he realized that he was completely different. He backed up, bent down, and looked at his reflection in the puddle. "Wh-Wha-" he started, pulling down on his ears that were drooped behind his back. "I'm a fox?!"

He almost landed on his rear from the shock of seeing the fox in the puddle was himself. "Alright Clione. No need to panic. Just take a few deep breaths..." He did just that, sighing in relief over finally having kept his cool. Of course, he eventually yawned, bringing his other side out. The other Clione peeked at his reflection in the water, still shocked over seeing how he'd come out so quick. "So I'm a fox with huge ears. No shock," he said as he touched his ears which were now raised above his head with the personality switch.

He remembered that the fox with huge ears was a fennec, and that's what he had turned into. Maybe he could hear Pirarucu's voice or hear the steps of an incoming Monster? While Monster was on his mind, he wondered if the others like him were sent here. Slug, Orca, Manta. He at least had to find them. Some rusting caught his attention, soon spotting some Undead. He still had his weapon of choice on him, so he smirked and said, "Heh. It wouldn't hurt to take some Undead out." He then charged into battle, with fighting and finding his sister on his mind.

End Flashback

"Sis, I'm going to find you." Clione said this to himself after the memory ended. He got up to his feet after feeling lots better. There were no Undead in sight, but just the sounds of the wind and wildlife catching his ears. He clutched his tail for comfort before leaving the tree. Even though Pirarucu was in good hands with the other three and Manta, Clione still couldn't help but think about her. He knew that this was gonna be one of the weirdest adventures of his life, and from another part of the island, Slug and Orca thought the exact same thing.

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