Sound bai

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"I don't know.. I just think I want someone to love me." Bulimia spoke, turning her neck in Snot's direction. "Ever since One Man, I dont think I can be another persons woman."
Bulimia went on, "I was one man's woman." Snot was quiet, thinking deeply about what to say to her best friend.

"You'll find someone, Bulimia. Give it time, I guess." Snot looked at Bulimia, who looked unsure of herself, and most likely thinking the worst. Snot decided she should do what she does best.

Snot grabbed some tissues and began to wipe away the clear liquid that was pooling around her nostrils. "Let's go shopping."


Bulimia and Snot arrived at Wilton. With no clear goal in mind for Bulimia, Snot decided she should play Cupid and set her up with someone she may like.

Out of the corner of her eye, Snot say a group of boys. Taking a look at every one of them, she declared them queer. Ones name was literally gayass.

Scanning the area again, all she saw were little roadmen and people Bulimia would consider ugly. Snot slowly began to lose hope, but knowing Bulimia she won't stop looking for love unless she suffers such misery it makes her forget what it means to love another.


Snot and Bulimia decided to take a quick break. Snot decided to run to the bathroom, leaving Bulimia to her thoughts on a nearby bench.

She gets trapped in her mind, the absolutely devastating thought that she'll probably end up dying alone. But she just cannot let that happen.

One Man had convinced her that she wouldn't,  yet he left. Perchance, she will indeeddd be alone.

Snot returned from the bathroom, an unruly time later, but Bulimia paid it no mind. She was too busy overthinking.

"Bulimia.. i can tell you're thinking about it. Someone will end up dating your unlikeable ass eventually, i swear. At this rate, it'll probably be me."

Bulimia faced her friend, who was bending down in front of her in an attempt to comfort her. Snot caressed Bulimias' hand, taking it in her own.

Snot knew this had always helped calm her down. Skin to skin with another person. One Man always used to do it..

Snot continued to stroke 😼 bulimia's hand, tracing along the lines indented and imbuded into her skin. "You know, Bulimia, I saw ice cream overthere. Let's go get some."


They arrived at the shop, and Bulimia began to scan the flavours for what ice cream she wanted. She settled on plain vanilla with sprinkles.

She went up to receive her ice cream and quickly turned around to face her friend. Suddenly.. she slammed into someone's shoulder.

Bulimia felt like her face was cracking at the vile collide. "Errrrmmm.. sorry about that! My muscly shoulder must've hurt you pretty bad huh. Ya know, I could give you a few facts about how it's so strong. You could probably try crush it under a boulder, and it would stand strong. My shoulders quite sound."

The man continued to yap on about his strong shoulder. Bulimia felt some.. wet liquid drooling down her chin. "Look at ya there, you're drooling all over me. You're already so wet in the mouth, and all I've done is stand here. I imagine your pussio isn't any better there, bai."

Bulimia's head felt.. clear. She felt like she was in heaven. All she could think about was the strong man in front of her. All she wanted was to see him crawl to her.

Cleaning up her drool with her sleeve, Bulimia began to spoke.. "Um.. whats your name? I don't think I've ever seen you around.."

"My name? It's Dick, Dyl Dick. Nice to meet ya, dear." Dyl took Bulimia's hand, kissing it and leaving a clear wet mark.

Bulimia instantly became wet. 

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