whatever the fuck

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Snip, Snip, Snip. Emerald was watching as her red hair drifted to the floor, sniped by scissors. She closed her eyes, and just listened to the sound of her hair being chopped off. It was a satisfying sound, the sound of change, the sound of a new start well for the most part at least. The sound of the scissors against her hair stopped and she opened her eyes. Someone new was standing behind her, Emerald was startled for a moment. The moment she opened her eyes she… didn't recognize the person staring back at her in the mirror. That’s not me, that has to be some sort of.. Twin of mine with shorter hair She thought. The woman who was standing behind Emerald spoke up, “Hello sweetie, my name is Amanda and I'll be dyeing your hair”. Amanda was just about Emerald's height, and she also looked like she was the same age as Emerald too, Amanda had Bright blue raspberry-colored hair. Emerald stood up and walked over to the dyeing station by herself. She just wanted this to be done, Amanda instructed Emerald to go sit down on one of the chairs and Emerald closed her eyes again and let Amanda do her work. Emerald fell asleep when her hair was being dyed. Can you really blame her? It felt so relaxing that she just fell asleep. She was woken up by Elizabeth because it was time to leave. Emerald felt so different with her short haircut and newly dyed Brown hair. Maybe this is the last change that she’ll have to go through, for a while at least.

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