Chapter 5

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Scott hugged Winter comfortingly.

[Scott pulled her into a hug and squeezed her tightly against his chest, holding her close to his body. The heat from his body radiated against her when she was close to him, and she felt the soft texture of his shirt rubbing against her skin. Scott's strong arms wrapped around her as he held her, pulling her even closer to him.]

"We had no idea about my abusive ex-boyfriend's trap for us..." Winter looked down sadly.

"I know, I knew he was a bastard, but I had no idea he was this much of a bastard." [As they stood together, Scott had never felt closer to her in his entire life. The realization that her abusive ex-boyfriend had set up such a blatant trap for them both was enough to make him feel utterly disgusted, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. She deserved better than this, she was a good person and didn't deserve to be put in so much harm's way.]

Scott made a decision to bring Winter to his apartment for her safety.

[Scott thought about the situation for a moment before reaching a conclusion that might keep her safe for the time being. he decided that bringing her back to his apartment would be the best way of protecting her, at least for now. He wanted her to be safe, and right now, his apartment was the only place he knew would be far away from her abusive ex-boyfriend.]

"U-um, are you living alone?" Winter looked shyly at him.

"Yeah." [Scott's voice was laced with a hint of embarrassment as he admitted this to her in a softer and slightly more playful tone. He did live alone, which did have its perks for him, he had his own place, he liked the space and the quiet, and he was also an introvert who appreciated his personal time. But there were some downsides to the arrangement as well, especially in this scenario.]

We entered into his apartment and it is so beautiful and cozy place.

[Once they both stepped into his apartment, she suddenly couldn't help but notice how warm and cozy the place felt immediately. The walls and floors were a soft white color, and the place was clean and tidy. She could see a kitchen area and a bedroom, and the living room was well-furnished with a living room set, a comfortable couch, and a flat-screen television. The apartment overall felt welcoming and safe, and she couldn't help but feel comfortable here.]

"Wow... it's so beautiful and cozy place I seen." Winter smiled shyly at him.

[An appreciative smile spread across Scott's face as he heard the compliment, hearing that made all the decoration and furniture shopping worth it. He was happy that he chose the right items that would create a comfortable and homely environment for her. She seemed to really like it, the cozy feeling was what Scott was going for, and he was glad that he achieved it.]

"I'm just a clean freak and I like things to be tidy." [His voice was laced with a playful tone as he joked about his obsession with cleanliness and organization.]

I giggled shyly at his words.

[The soft sound of her laughter made him smile, he genuinely liked everything about her. And the sound of her laughter was so sweet and cute, everything about her was so sweet and cute. Scott's smile widened somewhat as he looked back at her.]

We sit down on his comfortable couch at his living room.

[Once the two of you both sat down on his comfortable couch in the living room, Scott put his arms around her and pulled her close to him, she fit against his chest perfectly. The couch was soft and comfortable, much like the warmth of his arms wrapped around her.]

"U-um, thank you for bringing me to your apartment for my safety. I appreciate it." I looked shyly at him.

"It's the least I could do." [The words were gentle and soft as Scott pulled her even closer to make sure she was comfortable. his arms wrapped around her in a comforting embrace, he felt as if she was safe and secure in his arms, he would do anything to keep her safe, and staying in his apartment was the best way of ensuring that.]

I nodded timidly at him then I hugged him gratefully.

[Scott squeezed her tightly and warmly as he felt her body pressed tightly against his own. He couldn't help but enjoy the warmth of her body pressed against him, and she fit perfectly in his arms. It was almost like she had been made specifically for him to hold and cuddle with, and he was glad to have her in his arms. Scott gently ran his hands across her back when he pulled her into his embrace as he smiled down at her warm and innocent looking face.]

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