Chapter Nineteen

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The town car rolls to a stop outside Josephine's apartment building. Woods exits the passenger seat first, opening Jo's door. I round the vehicle, scanning the street for suspicious activity. There were paparazzi beneath Emiliano Figueroa's marquee, but they haven't followed us. The neighbors must've complained about them taking up space on the block. New Yorkers are territorial about parking.

"Wait on the main floor, Josephine," I tell her.

Instead of acknowledging, Jo slips inside her building, letting the door close behind her. I turn to Woods, and he raises a brow at me.

"Can you find something to do for a few hours?" I ask.

He chuckles, knowing why I want him gone. "I'll get a hotel for the night, as long as you don't tell Sanford I left my post."

"I don't work there anymore," I remind him. Woods jogs down the steps, and I call out, "I'll text you in the morning."

"No rush. You're doing the work, and I'm getting paid."

Someone should probably tell Aidan he doesn't need to be wasting thousands of dollars a day on round-the-clock protection. Josephine should be guarded during major events, but she doesn't need an officer living with her. Not when her boyfriend is a built-in guardian.

Although, I'm not sure if I'm the best person to be giving Josephine's father advice. I haven't spoken with him since the bridge accident. I'm accompanying Jo to New Hope this weekend. For all I know, Aidan might be waiting to introduce his fist to my face, and I'd understand the violence. If I'd hired someone to protect my daughter, and that man fucked her instead...

If God doesn't give me a son, homicide might become my new full-time job.

I enter the building, unsurprised to discover Josephine didn't follow my instructions. I sigh heavily, and jog up the steps, finding her entering the apartment on the third floor. I brush past her, slam the door, and pin her against it. She catches herself with her hands, and I adjust their positioning, so her arms are above her head, her ass jutting toward my groin. I rub my palms down her frame, feeling her luscious dips and curves. My cock pulses with pent up desire, but I can't give into my needs before ensuring she's safe.

"Stay right here while I check the apartment," I whisper, letting my lips brush the shell of her ear

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"Stay right here while I check the apartment," I whisper, letting my lips brush the shell of her ear. "Be a good girl, Josephine."

Jo rests her head on the door, releasing a deep breath. I turn, and sweep the area, checking darkened corners. I search the unused guest room, then the suite I've been sharing with Josephine. Finding nothing amiss, I return to the living area, grinding my molars when I see Jo isn't where I left her. She's taken off her heels, and is now lounging on the sofa, absentmindedly scrolling through her phone.

"Is this how it's going to be, bunny?" I muse, crossing the space. I take a seat on the coffee table, facing her. "I give you a simple order, and you do the opposite?"

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