7 - Touch Deprivation

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Khan's POV

I feel like Raven starts to visit me more and more each day, but every night. Why is it every night? A girl like her shouldn't be up late, although I would do the same. As much it was nice to see her every night, I'm just a bit concerned for her since her mom wouldn't want her to see me, and how the hell was she able to climb across our balconies- Seems strange but, I think it's pretty cool.

Raven and I talked throughout the night, I actually got to learn a lot about her. But there are a few things that concern me. Why is it everytime I see her, she's always barefoot, and she wears the most thinnest clothes during cold weather. I don't mean to be rude, but does she not get proper care at home? She seems to be really fine with it, unless she's good at hiding her discomfort. I feel like I should help her, and on top of that I can show her our town, hopefully it helps her adjust things. When the night got colder, Raven didn't even react. So I gave her my sweater, and have her wear it over her dress.

"Uh, what are you doing...?" she asked in worry.

"Keeping you warm, duh" I replied, with a tone of sarcasm, crossing my arms since now I'm shirtless.

Raven then gave in to hug me, wrapping her arms around my torso. I guess it was a bad idea of me not wearing anything underneath that sweater. I wrap my arms around her back, and she's surprisingly warm. Maybe that's why she's immune to the cold.

"You're...actually warm..what the hell!" I exclaimed in surprise, blushing a little.

"I don't get cold~" she says, as she smiles.

Wow...if I'm being honest, I don't usually get girls this close to me. She's actually the first girl to hug me. I think Freya would've hugged me if I didn't made things awkward between us. And Jing, we never hug, we act like pure siblings. Damn...I feel like I'm melting into her arms, it's actually something I yearn for.  She even hugged me when she first sneaked into my room while I was crying..what kind of girl is she to put effort to comfort me. No one does that...not even my own mother. She stopped showing physical affection as I grew older, she just shows love differently.

I hugged Raven even tighter, as I enjoy her embrace, burying my face into her head.

"Ah..Khan..what's wrong?" she said, muffled into my chest.

"Nothing...I just..enjoy your hug." I said softly, closing my eyes.

"You enjoy my hugs?" she says, looking up with a little sparkle in her deep crimson eyes.

"Yeah...no one..does this" I said, embarassed.

"Uh..r-really?? But...what about your family..?" she asked, in shock.

"Eheh...well, let's just say..my family aren't the type to show physical affection.." I replied, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh...then..I'd be happy to give you more hugs if you like~" she smiled.

What is this girl doing to me?! She's so kind! But..I'm afraid if I fuck shit up again, she wouldn't want to be around me anymore. I just...don't deserve anyone as kind as her.

"Wh..But.." I stammered, pulling back from her arms. "You're...being too nice...just why..why are you letting me have..." I'm too flabbergasted to the point I can't find the right words to say. I cover my mouth in embarassment.

"Oh..sorry...am I making you uncomfortable..?" she asked softly, fidgeting her hands as she looks the other way.

I gently place my hands onto her shoulders. "No! Not..not at all...you were never making me uncomfortable.." I said in a devastated tone, with a bit of shaking in my voice. "Sorry...just..I never recieved...this..type of treatment before.." I said, as I pull away from her, crossing my arms since it's still cold.

"Well...you were..so kind to me Khan...I..I like you a lot.." she smiled, still looking the other way, carressing her hand.

My ears perked up from when she said she likes me. This is..moving a bit too fast.

"You...like me?" I asked in disbelief. "You like a screwup like me...? Please...we just met only two days ago..isn't this moving too fast..?" I said, awkwardly, rubbing my nape.

"Ah..I'm sorry...for saying these things out of nowhere. I-it's just...you're nice to me...I couldn't help but...a-admit it.." she says, covering her face, maybe hiding her tears.

I look up. "H-hey..are you crying?" I asked nervously, reaching my hand out to move her hands out of her face.

"N-No...please..don't look.." she stuttered, still trying to hide her face.

I'm not gonna take no for an answer. I grabbed her hands and moved it away. Her eyes were closed shut, although she is crying but in a very strange way...

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